
On January 21st, 6th grade social studies will have an Olympic games celebration and Greek feast to celebrate the culmination of our Ancient Greece unit.

We are looking for volunteers to help with any of the following contributions to help make this day a success:
  • homemade Greek/Mediterranean recipes to share with the class
  • Store purchased Greek foods
  • white sheets (for tunics/togas)
  • or a small monetary donation (which will be used to purchase items).

Some ideas of typical Greek foods include: grapes, grape juice, olives, olive oil, pita, pitachips, hummus, fish, feta cheese, Greek salad, honey, Greek yogurt, Mediterranean recipes, etc.

Please contact Miss Blum asap if you are able to help. You can call 275-6896 ext. 225 or e-mail her at

Thanks again for all your help - it truly is appreciated!

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice-President, Carolyn Holt-Treasurer, and Jeri Lynn Graunke-Secretary. School Staff present: Kira Wester and Melinda Petersen, Parents present: Cindy Nordmeyer and Sandi Haini.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved. Motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; Kira Wester seconded.

Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)


1. The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to

2. Join our Facebook page by entering Walworth Parents Club and Mel will send an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.

Old Business

1 Walworth Children’s Fund – At this point, we will not donate directly to this fund. If students need financial assistance toward individual field trip fees, staff may bring the amounts needed to our attention and Parents Club will fund on a case by case basis.

2 Spirit Wear – Order forms were sent out and merchandise will be received no later than December 22, 2010. Clothing can be purchased any time at Main Street Country Store in Walworth.

3 Playground A safety inspection of the current playground equipment was held with Gerber Leisure in December and possible additions were also discussed. An estimate of repairs is being prepared by the representative. Information is still being gathered and options for improvements (along with their costs) will be forthcoming. If you have feedback or would like to participate on the committee, contact Mel at 275-1002 or through PC email.

4 Walworth School Family Directory- 2010/2011 directory was sent out electronically in November. If you need a paper copy, email Parents Club.

New Business

1. Volunteer Caller- Kelly Oliver will be contacting parents when assistance is needed.

2. February Change Drive – Carolyn Holt will be looking into a change drive to take place in February. To share your ideas about this fundraiser or to help, contact her.

3. Staff Appreciation Chair – We are in need of a committee member for the week-long event that takes place in May. Two to three other members will be needed for other activities during conference time and possibly during the holiday season. Please contact Julie if you’re interested or need more information.

4. Inside Recess Needs For Students – Donations are needed for new or used board games, puzzles, or movies (VHS or DVD).

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Next meeting: Monday, January 10, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in Staff Workroom.

* Note- meetings are now the 2nd Monday of the Month.*

Contact Julie Ford for any questions @ (262) 374-3744

Respectfully submitted by: Jeri Lynn Graunke

Happy New Year!

Cold weather is upon us now. If your child does not have hats, coats, snowpants and mittens, help is available at the school. You can also contact Parents Club and we'll get you to the right place for help. If you have gently used outdoor clothing that is not in use, please consider donating it to the school.

When the temperature and/or wind chill dips below zero degrees, policy states that the students will be inside for recess. This can get very old for everyone!

If you're cleaning rooms and closets after the holidays, remember that the school could use your games, movies (VHS or DVD) or other activities for indoor play. Please be sure they have the game pieces necessary to play before donating.

We sure appreciate your help!