Here you can view past meeting minutes. Please join us on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and participate!
Walworth Parents Club Minutes –
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly
Taylor (Secretary)
Staff: Eileen Coleman, Mary Ann Kahl
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Jodie Klamm, Steve Kohs, Emily Adams
Call to order 6:15 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Mary Ann Kahl 2nd – Steve Kohs
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was discussed)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
*Thank Yous were presented for Staff
Appreciation and Field Trip Funds
Income Sources Reports:
*Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not present]
– 242 were collected in spring contest. Debra Amann will now be heading up this
project for the next school year. Thank you Debra!
*Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs
– Will continue to collect and send in. Still sorting but will be sent in
soon. Continue to bring them in!
The Labels for Education program is coming to an end. Schools registered may
continue to send in labels during the rest of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
school year until production dwindles.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House)
will continue to collect Pop Tops.
Old Business:
1. Fundraiser
Planned: Parent’s Club has contracted
with Seroogy’s and has begin selling chocolates at events. Look for us at the
next concert!
2. Other
Fundraiser Ideas: Family ‘Exercise’ Night
w/smoothies, Family Movie Night. Plans are being made to implement these as
soon as possible or possibly at the start of next year.
3. Staff
Appreciation: This event was a huge success. Many
staff have expressed their thanks for all that was provided during this week of
recognizing our school staff and all that they do!
4. Art
Faire/Ice Cream Social: This event was a huge success
this year! Profits from Auction were $1206.00, Donations of $100.00, and 106 Candy
Bars sold with a profit of $79.50
New Business:
Fund Requests:
a. From Seventh Grade Teachers for
field Trip to Traxside Skating. $10.50 before assistance. Approved $7.00/student for 48 students. Total
$344.00. Motion: Nicole Kinane 2nd – Jodie Klamm
b. From Eighth Grade Teachers for
field trip to Covenant Harbor. $23.50 before assistance. Approved $7.00/student
for 46 students. Total $322.00. Motion: Steve Kohs 2nd – Nicole Kinane
5. School Supply Kits: We will be providing this product again this year. Once order
forms go out, they will be due May 13, 2016. Keep a lookout for these coming
6. End of Year Field Day: June 3rd. Keep this fresh in your minds as the end of
the school year approaches. It was a huge success last year and we plan to make
it just as good this year! Color run will be back again this year!! If you would
like to volunteer to assist at this event please contact Parent’s Club! An
event will be created on Facebook with sign up for volunteers as well.
7. Graduation: June 3rd. Volunteers are still needed to assist in the
decorations and serving of concessions after ceremony. Please contact Parent’s
Club or check Facebook for Event and sign up.
8. Fall Fundraiser: A decision has been made that
Parent’s Club will do one major fundraiser during the fall in the form of a
9. New Officers: Positions for President, Secretary, and Treasurer have been
filled for the upcoming school year. Please welcome Rebecca Roehl as our new
President, Jodie Klamm as our new secretary and Emily Adams as our new Treasurer!
10. Next Meeting Scheduled: To be announced for upcoming school year. Have a great
Note: If a day and time
may be better for you to attend meetings, please let us know so that we can
take that into consideration. Any suggestions are welcome!
6:44 PM Motion: Nicole
Kinane 2nd: Steve Kohs
Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly
Taylor (Secretary)
Staff: Eileen Coleman, Phil Klamm, Peter Kahl, Rachel Roemer,
Martha Halma, Jill Trosclair
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Jodie Klamm, Steve Kohs, Cheryl Huff, Steven Kohs, Debra Amann
Call to order 6:06 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Steve Kohs
2nd – Jodie Klamm
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was discussed)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
None presented this week.
Income Sources Reports:
*Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not present]
– 242 were collected in spring contest. Debra Amann will now be heading up this
project for the next school year. Thank you Debra!
*Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs
– Will continue to collect and send in. Still sorting but will be sent in
soon. Continue to bring them in! Label
points will be used for door prizes during Staff Appreciation week!
The Labels for Education program is coming to an end. Schools registered may
continue to send in labels during the rest of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
school year until production dwindles.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House)
will continue to collect Pop Tops.
Old Business:
1. Fundraiser
Planned: Parent’s Club has contracted
with Seroogy’s to begin selling chocolates and possibly coffees.
2. Other
Fundraiser Ideas: Family ‘Exercise’ Night
w/smoothies, Family Movie Night. Plans are being made to implement these as
soon as possible or possibly at the start of next year.
Family Painting Night: Family Painting Night was a big success. After expenses and split
with the Art Department, Parent’s Club gained a profit of 125.23. Plans are to
continue this for next year.
New Business:
Fund Requests:
a. From Second Grade Teachers for
field Trip to Henry Vila Zoo. $9.00 before assistance. Approved $7.00/student for 56 students for bus
expense. Total $392.00. Motion: Steve
Kohs 2nd – Nicole Kinane
b. From Third Grade Teachers for
field trip to Milwaukee Public Museum. $20.25 before assistance. Approved
$7.00/student for 58 students. Total $406.00. Motion: Steve Kohs 2nd – Jodie Klamm
c. From Fourth Grade Teachers for
field trip to Old World Wisconsin. $14.25 before assistance. Approved
$7.00/student for 42 students. Total $294.00.
Motion: Steve Kohs 2nd
– Jodie Klamm
d. From Fifth Grade Teachers for
field trip – Out Door Education/Camp. Approved 7.00/student for 50 Students.
Total $350.00. Motion: Nicole
Kinane 2nd – Steve Kohs
5. School Supply Kits: We will be providing this product again this year. Once order
forms go out, they will be due May 13, 2016. Keep a lookout for these coming
6. Staff Appreciation: May 2-6 - The theme this year is Super Heroes. Many of the aspects
have been planned and preparations are being made. Those of you who have
expressed interest will be contacted within the next week or two for final
volunteer positions.
5. Art Fair/Ice Cream Social: This event is in the
beginning stages of planning. Letters have been drawn up for donations from
local businesses. Want to volunteer? Please contact us using any method you
feel comfortable using. Scheduled for May 10th from 6-8pm.
7. End of Year Field Day: Keep this fresh in your minds as the end of the school year
approaches. It was a huge success last year and we plan to make it just as good
this year! Color run will be back again this year!!
8. Fall Fundraiser: A decision has been made that
Parent’s Club will do one major fundraiser during the fall in the form of a
9. New Officers: Positions for President, Secretary, and Treasurer are
needed for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in any position,
please contact a Parent’s Club Officer.
10. Next Meeting Scheduled: Wednesday, May 11th at 6pm in the Mezzanine.
Note: If a day and time
may be better for you to attend meetings, please let us know so that we can
take that into consideration. We would like to find ways to gain more
volunteers. Any suggestions are welcome!
6:53 PM Motion: Nicole
Kinane 2nd: Steve Kohs
Contact Information:
Nikki Kling:
Valerie Gibbs:
Rebecca Roehl:
Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly
Taylor (Secretary)
Staff: Eileen Coleman, Mary Ann Kahl, Jodie Cullen
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Jodie Klamm, Steve Kohs, Rebecca Kohs
Call to order 6:06 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Nicole Kinane
2nd – Jodie Klamm
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was discussed)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
None presented this week.
Income Sources Reports:
*Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not
Present] – spring contest has ended. Will get an update on profits at next
month’s meeting.
*Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs
– Will continue to collect and send in. Still sorting but will be sent in
soon. Continue to bring them in! Label
points will be used for door prizes during Staff Appreciation week!
The Labels for Education program is coming to an end. Schools registered may
continue to send in labels during the rest of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
school year until production dwindles.
*Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school
up as beneficiary on Red Card. (Credit/Debit red card acceptable) Program
ending May 14, 2016 confirmed. We received our last payment from this program
this week.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House)
will continue to collect Pop Tops.
Old Business:
None to discuss
New Business:
1. Fund Requests: From First Grade Teachers for
field Trip to Covenant Harbor for Maple Syrup Tour. Approved $6.00/student for
38 students. Total $228. Motion: Jodie
Klamm 2nd – Nicole Kinane
2. Fall Fundraiser: A decision has been made that
Parent’s Club will do one major fundraiser during the fall in the form of a
Note: Thank you to all who brought ideas and
thoughts, we cannot continue without the dedication of parents and staff like
3. Other
Fundraisers: Other fundraisers discussed were
Candy Bar sales, Family ‘Exercise’ Night w/smoothies, Family Movie Night. Plans
are being made to implement these as soon as possible or possibly at the start
of next year.
4. Family Painting Night: Scheduled for Friday, March 18th from 6-8pm.
$10/Glass with a cap of $30/family. Flyer with more details to be sent home by
this Friday.
5. School Supply Kits: We will be providing this product again this year. Once order
forms go out, they will be due May 13, 2016. Keep a lookout for these coming
6. Staff Appreciation: May 2-6 - This is in the beginning stages of planning. The theme
this year is Super heroes. Anyone interested in heading up this event or
volunteering to help with this event, please contact Parent’s Club
5. Art Fair/Ice Cream Social: This event is in the
beginning stages of planning. Letters have been drawn up for donations from
local businesses. Want to volunteer? Please contact us using any method you
feel comfortable using. Scheduled for May 10th.
7. End of Year Field Day: Keep this fresh in your minds as the end of the school year
approaches. It was a huge success last year and we plan to make it just as good
this year!
8. New Officers: Positions for President, Secretary, and Treasurer are
needed for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in any position,
please contact a Parent’s Club Officer.
9. Next Meeting Scheduled: Monday, March 14th at 6pm in the Mezzanine.
Note: If a day and time
may be better for you to attend meetings, please let us know so that we can
take that into consideration. We would like to find ways to gain more
volunteers. Any suggestions are welcome!
6:53 PM Motion: Nicole
Kinane 2nd: Steve Kohs
Contact Information:
Nikki Kling:
Valerie Gibbs:
Kelly Taylor:
Walworth Parents Club Minutes –
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly
Taylor (Secretary)
Staff: Phill Klamm, Eileen Coleman, Kimberly Kleich
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Jodie Klamm
Call to order 6:06 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Nicole Kinane
2nd – Jodie Klamm
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was presented)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
None presented this week.
Income Sources Reports:
*Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – Almost 9,000 collected from Fall
Contest. We are still collecting throughout the year. Spring contest is in
progress, due at the end of February.
*Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in.
Still sorting but will be sent in soon. Continue to bring them in! Label points will be used for door prizes
during Staff Appreciation week!
The Labels for Education program is coming to an end. Schools registered may
continue to send in labels during the rest of the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
school year until production dwindles.
*Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card. (Credit/Debit
red card acceptable) Program ending May 14, 2016 confirmed. Last payout
according to website is February 2016.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill
Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) will continue to collect Pop
**Sentry Receipts –
Will now be going to G.T. for robotics. Continue to bring in stickered
receipts, School does have stickers for receipts that do not have them.
Receipts are accepted 60 - 90 days of the date of the receipt so keep sending
them in!
Old Business:
1. Donor’s Choose: Program for social media to assist in the requested funds
for school items. Many teachers are already using it for various needs.
2. Bingo Night: Bingo night was a big success.
Attendance ran around 200 people which was a considerable gain from last year.
New Business:
1. Fund Requests: From Kimberly Kleich for Robotics
Competition: $16/student for 23 students, Approved $250.00. (From Teacher
Requests) Motion: Jodie Klamm 2nd – Nicole Kinane
2. Fall Fundraiser: A decision has been made that
Parent’s Club will do one major fundraiser during the fall in the form of a
Note: Thank you to all who brought ideas and
thoughts, we cannot continue without the dedication of parents and staff like
3. Family Painting Night: Still in the planning stages, date to be March 18th. Keep an
eye out for details on this exciting new events for your family to enjoy!
4. School Supply Kits: We will be providing this product again this year. Once order
forms go out, they will be due May 13, 2016.
5. Staff Appreciation/Ice Cream Social: These two events are in the beginning stages of planning.
Letters have been drawn up for donations from local businesses. Want to
volunteer for either of these, please contact using any method you feel
comfortable using.
5. End of Year Field Day: Keep this fresh in your minds as the end of the school year
approaches. It was a huge success last year and we plan to make it just as good
this year!
6. New Officers: Position of Treasurer is available. If you are interested
in becoming Treasurer, please contact a Parent’s Club Officer.
7. Next Meeting Scheduled: Wednesday, March 9th at 6pm in the Mezzanine.
Note: If a day and time
may be better for you to attend meetings, please let us know so that we can
take that into consideration. We would like to find ways to gain more
volunteers. Any suggestions are welcome!
6:53 PM Motion: Phill
Klamm 2nd: Steve Kohs
Walworth Parents Club
Minutes – Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Respectfully submitted
by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Kelly Taylor
Staff: Phill Klamm, Eileen Coleman
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Steve Kohs, Jodie Klamm
Call to order 6:05 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Steve Kohs 2nd – Nicole
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was presented)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the
None presented this week.
Income Sources Reports:
*Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – Almost 9,000 collected from Fall
Contest. We are still collecting throughout the year. Another contest is
planned for the spring.
*Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in.
Still sorting but will be sent in soon. Continue to bring them in! Label points will be used for door prizes
during Staff Appreciation week!
*Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card. (Credit/Debit
red card acceptable) Program ending May 14, 2016 confirmed. Last payout
according to website is February 2016.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill
Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) will continue to collect Pop
**Sentry Receipts –
Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts, School
does have stickers for receipts that do not have them. Receipts are accepted 60
- 90 days of the date of the receipt so keep sending them in!
Old Business:
1. Trunk
or Treat: Our 1st annual event was
a HUGE success. Plans are in process for even better event next year with
possible concessions and music.
Donor’s Choose: Program for social media to assist in the
requested funds for school items. Many teachers are already using it for
various needs.
New Business:
1. Bingo Night: Parent’s will be
contacted to bring in baked goods as prizes. All baked goods to be dropped off
at the office the day before or day of. Scheduled for January 29th
at 6pm.
2. Fall Fundraisers: Discussion is still
in motion. Some fundraisers that have been brought to attention are:
World’s Finest: This is the company
that took over Market Day.
Catalog for Apparel
Calendar Raffle
More ideas have been presented and
are being considered.
Note: Thank you to all who brought
ideas and thoughts, we cannot continue without the dedication of parents and
staff like you!
2. Ongoing
Fundraiser Ideas: Discussion of working
with Student council to provide concessions during games has now been planned
to begin at the start of the 2016-2017 school year.
3. Family Painting
Night: Still in the planning
stages, ideal date would be February 19th. Keep an eye out for
details on this exciting new events for your family to enjoy!
4. School Supply
Kits: We will be providing
this product again this year. Once order forms go out, they will be due May 13,
5. Staff
Appreciation/Ice Cream Social: These two events are in the beginning stages of planning. Letters
have been drawn up for donations from local businesses. Want to volunteer for
either of these, please contact using any method you feel comfortable using.
5. End of Year Field
Day: Keep this fresh in your
minds as the end of the school year approaches. It was a huge success last year
and we plan to make it just as good this year!
6. New
Officers: Position of Treasurer
is available. If you are interested in becoming Treasurer, please contact a
Parent’s Club Officer.
7. Next Meeting Scheduled:
Wednesday, February 9th at 6pm in the Mezzanine.
Note: If a day and time may
be better for you to attend meetings, please let us know so that we can take
that into consideration. We would like to find ways to gain more volunteers.
Any suggestions are welcome!
PM Motion: Phill Klamm 2nd: Steve Kohs___________________________________________________________________________
Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly Taylor (Secretary)
Staff: Phill Klamm, Mary Ann Kahl, Keri Cruz, Troy Hummel, Eileen Coleman, Kathy Boldger
Parents: Nicole Kinane, Debra Amann
Call to order 6:05 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion - Debra Amann 2nd - Keri Cruz
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was presented)
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Field Trip requests – None came in this month.
Thank You’s:
Note from Kelly Freeman pertaining to our letter in the quarterly newsletter along with a $100 donation.
Comments on Facebook page pertaining to the fun and success or our 1st annual Trunk or Treat event.
Income Sources Reports:
Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – Almost 9,000 collected from Fall
Contest. We are still collecting throughout the year. Another contest is
planned for the spring.
for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in.
Still sorting but will be sent in soon. Continue to bring them in!
– Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card.
(Credit/Debit red card acceptable) (Program ending May 14, 2016
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) will continue to collect Pop Tops.
Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in
stickered receipts, School does have stickers for receipts that do not
have them. Receipts are accepted 60 -90 days of the date of the receipt
so keep sending them in!
Old Business:
1. Trunk or Treat: Our
1st annual event was a HUGE success. Plans are in process for even
better event next year with possible concessions and music.
2. Donor’s Choose: Program
for social media to assist in the requested funds for school items.
Many teachers are already using it for various needs.
3. Budget: Budget proposal for the year has been reviewed and approved.
1st – Phill Klamm 2nd – Kevin Kling
New Business:
1. Fall Fundraisers: Discussion
is ongoing for spring fundraiser due to losing Market Day. Letters for
donation as well as flyers will be sent out for donations. Many
suggestions for fundraiser ideas are being considered to implement if
funds are not reached. Re-evaluation in January.
2. Ongoing Fundraiser Ideas: Discussion of working with Student council to provide concessions during games.
3. New Officers: Position of Treasurer is available. If you are interested in becoming Treasurer, please contact a Parent’s Club Officer.
3. Next Meeting Scheduled: Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm in the Mezzanine.
7:00 PM Motion: Debra Amann 2nd: Kim Polyock
Parents Club Minutes – Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Nikki Kling (President), Valerie
Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly Taylor (Secretary)
Phill Klamm, Keri Cruz, Nicole
Cruzan, Eileen Coleman, Kathy Boldger
Nicole Kinane, Kevin Kling
to order 6:05 pm
of Minutes: Minutes were not
available. Will be provided at next meeting for approval.
Report: Mrs. Roehl [not present] (Budget was
reviewed the budget
available upon request
from the Public:
Trip requests –
grade to see ‘Christmas Carol’ and Milwaukee Museum, Approved 5.00 per student
(56 Students)
Verbal Thank you from Cathy Boldger for funds provided for trip to
Royal Oaks Apple Orchard.
Sources Reports:
Tops – Nicole Cruzan – Contest is in progress for fall. As of right now we have
about 3000 box tops. Box tops for Fall contest to be in no later than Oct. 28th.
Another contest is planned for the spring.
for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in. Contest is being planned.
– Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card. (Credit/Debit red
card acceptable)
*Pop Tops – Jill
Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) will continue to collect Pop
**Sentry Receipts –
Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts, School
does have stickers for receipts that do not have them. Receipts are accepted 60
-90 days of the date of the receipt so keep sending them in!
as of yet.
1. Fall
Fundraiser: Discussion is ongoing
for fall fundraiser due to losing market day. Letters for donation as well as
flyers will be sent out for donations. Many suggestions for fundraiser ideas
are being considered to implement if funds are not reached. Re-evaluation in
2. October
Event: Trunk or Treat – Ms.
Buchholz will head up, Date: October 30, Time: 6-7pm. Letter will be drawn up
and sent to parents to decorate their trunks and provide candy for students to
trick or treat. Reminder letter will be sent to RSVP for number of trunks
provided. Trophies may be given for best trunk and best costume.
3. Donor’s
Choose: Program for social media
to assist in the requested funds for school items. Looking into this program
more. Many teachers are already using it for various needs.
4. New
Officers: Position of Treasurer
is available. If you are interested in becoming Treasurer, please contact a
Parent’s Club Officer.
5. Budget: Budget proposal for the year has been reviewed and
1st – Phill
Klamm 2nd – Kevin Kling
Next Meeting Scheduled: Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm in the
7:15 PM
Parents Club Minutes – Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor
Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly
Taylor (Secretary), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Mary Ann Kahl, Brenda Wenger, Claudia
Mendoza, Eileen Coleman, Kathy Boldger
Debra Amann, Kimberly Polyock,
Angella Buchholz, Sergio Esquivel
to order 6:05 pm
of Minutes: Motion –Debra Amann,
Second – Rebecca Roehl
Report: Mrs. Roehl
reviewed the budget
available upon request
from the Public:
Trip requests –
to Royal Oaks Apple Orchard, Approved 3.50 per student (85 Students)
Verbal Thank you’s from staff for what Parents Club does throughout the
Sources Reports:
Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – Contests are planned for fall and spring.
for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in.
– Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card.
*Pop Tops – Jill
Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) will continue to collect Pop
**Sentry Receipts –
Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts, School
does have stickers for receipts that do not have them.
as of yet.
1. Fall
Fundraiser: Discussion is ongoing
for fall fundraiser due to losing market day (Charelston Wrap through School
Kidz), letter for donations was also discussed.
2. October
Event: Trunk or Treat – Ms.
Buchholz will head up, Date: October 30, Time to be determined. Letter will be
drawn up and sent to parents to decorate their trunks and provide candy for
students to trick or treat. Trophies may be given for best trunk and best
3. Family
Directory: Club has discussed and
the directory will continue to be available and will be updated for this year
4. Donor’s
Choose: Program for social media
to assist in the requested funds for school items. Looking into this program.
5. New
Officers: Position of Treasurer
is available. If you are interested in becoming Treasurer, please contact a
Parent’s Club Officer.
Next Meeting Scheduled: Please refer to next year’s calendar for when the
next formal meeting will be conducted.
6:50 PM