
Due to the large number of activities happening in May, we have moved the Parents Club meeting up a week this month.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, May 2nd in the Staff Work Room.

See you there!

Our musical this year is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It will be held a the end of April. To make the set all that it can be, the cast and crew would appreciate some donations of items (which can be returned if you'd be interested in simply loaning them to the production.)

Below is a partial list of items needed for the play. It takes place in the 60s, however, there will be a contemporary feel to it.

~knitted or crocheted shawl
~1960s dresses
~Stuffed animal squirrels
~Disco ball
~Old TV Set
~Double or larger bed with wooden headboard.

If you have questions or have something to lend to the production, please contact Caroline Briggs at or by calling her at 262-607-0727.
Thank you!

No meeting tonight.

Meeting was rescheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday the 12th) at 7pm in the staff workroom. Hope to see you there!

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice President, Carolyn Holt-Treasurer, and Jeri Lynn Graunke-Secretary. School Staff Present: Kathy Karcher, Melinda Peterson, Kary Hayes, Rachel Roemer, and Pam Larson. Parents present: Tami Nottolini, Sandi Haeni, and Cindy Nordmeyer.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved. Motion by Sandi Haeni; Cindy Nordmeyer seconded.

Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)


1. The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to

2. Join our Facebook page by entering Walworth Parents Club and Mel will send an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.

Committee Reports:

1. Playground Committee – Catalogs were reviewed for future purchases. When items are chosen, some items can be installed by volunteers to save money. Recommendations of new items and ideas are always welcome. Purchasing of new fencing will be taken care of by Ground and Maintenance at Walworth, along with other areas that need repair. A budget for the playground fencing will be set in the near future.

2. Fundraiser –A Walworth School Fundraiser Benefit will take place on Saturday, April 16th from 5:00p.m - 8:30p.m. for two of our Walworth families. Please come and enjoy the dinner and activities. Please stop by and enjoy the fun, or stay for the entire evening. The cost is $5.00 a person. Children 0 -3 are free.

3. Dessert Baking – Kelly Oliver is looking for several volunteers to bake desserts for the meal served at the April 16th Fundraiser Benefit. Contact Kelly at 394-5166.

4. SchoolKidz School Supplies for Next YearJennifer Watters will be heading this fundraiser. Forms will be sent out in April for those families who would like to purchase school supplies for the 2011-2012 School Year through SchoolKidz.

5. Mother’s Day Fudge – Forms will be sent out and orders can be made at the end of April. The fudge will be delivered before Mother’s Day.

6. Champion Pizza Fundraiser – This will take place on Saturday, April 30th at the Forensics Meet being held at Walworth School. Pizzas can be purchased and brought home the very same day!

7. Original Works Art Fundraiser – Liz Beyers is chairing this fundraiser and volunteers will be organizing the packets that will be sent home later this week.

8. Art Fair/Ice Cream Social Volunteers – Volunteers will be needed to hang artwork for the Art Fair. The Art Fair/Ice Cream Social takes place on May 17th. Please contact Rachel Roemer or Cathy Boldger at the school if you are able to assist.

9. Staff Appreciation – Tami Nottolini has been working with four other volunteers to plan Staff Appreciation that takes place in May.

10. Box Tops Contest – Sandy Haeni shared the great news that our school collected over $1,000.00 in Box Tops during the winter collection.

11. End of Year Play Date – A meeting with school team leaders will take place on March 16th to discuss a possible change in the organization of this annual event. Parents Club will be notified of any assistance that will be needed to run some of the activities.

Old Business:

1. Third Grade Field Trip - $302.50 will be given to the 3rd grade for the trip to the Milwaukee Museum. This will bring the cost to $12.00 per student. Motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; seconded by Melinda Peterson.

2. Eighth Grade Field Trip - $459.00 will be given to the 8th grade for their trip to the Holocaust Museum that will take place on May 19th & May 20th. This will bring the cost to $13.50 per student. Motion by Tami Nottolini; seconded by Melinda Peterson.

3. Fifth Grade Field Trip - $250.00 will be given to the 5th grade to cover part of the cost of the bus to Timberlee Outdoor Education. Motion by Melinda Peterson; seconded by Rachel Roemer.

New Business:

1. PBIS School Wide Behavior Incentive - $287.50 will be used from some of the profits made from the Champion Pizza Fundraiser to assist with the cost of coins and lamination for this program.

2. Seventh Grade – We are tabling the request until April to decide how Parents Club will assist with an end of the year field trip. We would like to give money towards an educational trip for the students rather than the trip to Magic Waters or the roller rink.

3. Officer Elections – There will be openings for two officer positions (Secretary, President and/or Vice President) for the 2011 – 2012 School Year. If you are interested please attend April’s meeting.

4. Walworth Walks for Wellness – We are seeking a new chair for this fundraiser. New board will decide if and when it takes place next.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. – Motioned by Tami Nottolini; seconded by Sandi Haeni.

Next meeting (NOTE CHANGE):

TUESDAY, April 12, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge

* Note- meetings are usually the 2nd Monday of the Month.*

Contact Julie Ford for any questions at (262) 374-3744

Respectfully submitted by: Jeri Lynn Graunke