
Walworth Parents Club Minutes
October 12, 2011

Melanie Litton-Castellon (President) called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Other Board Members Present: Sandi Haeni (Vice President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), and Tammy Griffin (Secretary). School Staff Present: Pam Larson, Pam Knorr, Rachel Roemer. Parents Present: Nicole Kinane, Toni Pieper, Tami Nottolini, Vanessa Tipps.

Review of minutes: Motioned by Tami Nottolini, second Rachel Roemer.

Treasurer’s Report: Carolyn Holt. Waiting for funds from the walk before completing annual budget: 2011-2012 Budget tabled until next month. Mrs Holt will be contacting an attorney to discuss how much money we can legally carry without penalty. Discussed the possibility that our balance should be zero-ed out at the end of the year. $4574.00 paid out for playground equipment.

Ongoing income sources:

Box Tops for Education:
(Sandy Haeni) Keep collecting for this year’s contest. See for a full list of products. Contest is under way. Class with the most box tops win a prize. Contest ends October 26th. Prize = Extra Recess. Pamela Larson will make announcements.

Labels for Education: (Amanda Marshall) Please cut “points” from soup and other labels and send them to school. for a full list of products.

Target Purchases: (Carolyn Holt) Use your Target credit card and assign Walworth School as beneficiary so we get a percentage of your purchase amount. Save 5% on your total. No changes to online. One check cut to us per year: $324.09 collected this year.

Sentry Receipts: (Anice Machado and Stephanie Drake) Student Council will continue to collect the proceeds. Remember to get a green sticker on Sentry receipts and turn them into the school office within 3 mos of purchase date.

Market Day: (Cindy Nordmeyer) Total $150.84 income for September.

Pop Tops: (Jill Dallasassee) Continue to collect and send them in to Jill.


* The Parents Club Blog is available at
* E-mail any ideas or questions to
* Join our Facebook page by entering Walworth Parents Club.
* Other meetings: School Board meeting meets monthly. SEARCH Task Force meets every 2nd Thursday at 7:15 – 8am in the staff workroom. Community is invited to attend both.
* School website still has last year's Parents Club info, Pamela Knorr offered to get this updated.

Old Business

1. Playground equipment (Melanie Litton-Castellon) Equipment was delivered and invoiced. $4574 was paid in full. Installation was discussed. Further requests for volunteers to help with installation. (Offered by Tammy Griffin's brother, an engineer; Matt Haeni is available to help; Pamela Knorr to talk with janitor; Melanie L-C to ask for further help.) Tentatively planned to install on Sunday, October 16th at 10:30. Discussed cost for installation supplies.

2. PBIS School-wide Behavioral Incentive Program (Melinda Peterson) $287.50 used. Mrs Peterson purchased an additional $39.87. She requested a total of $200.00 for funds needed. (Broken down as $39.87 to reimburse Mrs Peterson for purchases and an extra $160 for additional future needs.) Motion to approve Vanessa Tipps, Second Tami Nottolini.

3. WW4W (Melanie Litton-Castellon) Discussed prizes to be distributed to top grossing classrooms and top 3 students in each class (Pamela Knorr offered to ask Bob Klockars at WSB and Tammy Griffin to ask Mercy Health to donate door prizes.) Discussed door prizes given by PC (spirit bands by MMPR in Janesville.) Apples donated from Royal Oaks Orchard for refreshments. Snow cones donated by Heyer's. Discussed printing needs. Advertising provided by art students. Music donated by the Alfano family. Discussed volunteer needs (snack table, registration, crowd control, etc). Other suggestions included ways to pledge

4. UW Whitewater Theatre - a play about the weather (Jodi Cullen) 1st grade Spring field trip to be tabled until the Spring. It cost $220 last year; this years' costs will depend upon how many children are going.

Next meeting scheduled for November 14th.

Adjourned at 8pm. Motioned by Pamela Knorr, Second Vanessa Tipps.

Walworth Parents Club Agenda -- 10 October 2011

Call to order


Approval of Minutes

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
We will be moving this report to the bottom of the meeting.

Income Sources:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer
* Sentry Receipts - Remember to bring them in for Student Council
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni
* Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall
* Target

Communication from the public:
* Blog -
* Email -
* Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)

Old Business:
* Opera Program - Jennifer Watters (requested $500)
* Red Ribbon Week - Pamela Larson (requested $600; shared cost with PD)
* UW Whitewater 1st grade cultural program - P Larson (requested contribution)
* PBIS - Melinda Peterson (requested $200)
- We agreed to reimburse $39.87 to Melinda for purchases
- We tabled a decision to donate an extra $160 for future needs.
* Playground Equipment - Mel L-C
- volunteers requested to help install equipment
- invoice review
* WW4W Committee:
Mel L-C - PR report, pledge envelopes etc, volunteer requests
(crowd control, refreshments, registration/bank, putting up posters
around the school, setting up reg. tables)
Pam Larson - Staff/PC liaise
Tami Notolini - spirit bracelets, event t-shirts, snowcones
Vanessa Tipps - apple/fruit donations for refreshments
Rachel Roemer - advertising

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
* Vote to raise amount for amount spent on Staff Appreciation week
* Mrs Holt to present a separate Treasurer's Agenda

New Business:

* Any cultural program requests?
* Other requests for funds?
* Other opportunities to raise funds? Who will volunteer to Chair?
* Other volunteer needs?


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
September 12, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by Melanie Litton-Castellon (President). Other Board Members Present: Sandi Haeni - Vice President; Carolyn Holt - Treasurer; Tammy Griffin -Secreatary. School Staff present: Pam Larsen (Principal), Pam Knorr (Administrator), Jody Cullen (1st grade), Cathy Boldger (Kindergarden), Rachel Roemer (Art), Melinda Peterson. Parents present: Alicia Swanson, Cindy Nordmeyer, Nicole Kinane, Toni Peeper.

Review of minutes: No minutes to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Carolyn Holt (copy available upon request)

Ongoing income sources:

Box Tops for Education (Sandy Haeni) Keep collecting for this year’s contest. See for a full list of products. We can earn box tops if we order t-shirts through Boxtops for education as long as we use Hanes products. We earn Boxtops for each t-shirt printed.

Labels for Education : Please cut “points” from soup and other labels and send them to school. for a full list of products.

Target Purchases: use your Target credit card and assign Walworth School as beneficiary and we get a percentage of your purchase amount. $324.09 collected. Save 5% on your total. No charges to online.

Sentry Receipts : will still be collected by Student Council. Remember to place a green sticker on the receipt and turn them into the school office within 3 months of purchase date.
Market Day: (Cindy Nordmeyer and Teresa Taylor): 3 checks totaling $1225.22. Market Day was supposed to send out order forms to customers who purchase Market Day 4 or 5 times a year, but this mailing did not get sent out. Therefore, September sales were low. Rep has been notified.

Budget: 2011/2012 will be discussed at the October meeting.


The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to

Join our Facebook page by searching for Walworth Parents Club and requesting to join.

Other meetings: School Board meeting generally meets the third Monday of the month in the school library.

SEARCH Task Force meets every 2nd Thursday at 7:15 – 8am in the staff workroom. Community encouraged to attend both. Check the school calendar or website for more information.

1. Playground equipment: ordered and should be arriving soon. Installation: request for volunteers to help with installation. They will invoice us and this will be discussed at the October meeting.

2. Review of summer meeting: Staff appreciation was discussed. Thank you to those who baked cookies for the open house and helped with registration.

3. PBIS School-wide Behavior Incentive Program: (Melinda Peterson) $287.50 used. Linda purchased an additional $39.87. She is requesting a total of $200.00 for funds needed. $39.87 to reimburse Melinda for purchases and an extra $160 for additional future needs. This will be reimbursed and the extra amount was tabled for the budget meeting next month.


Red Ribbon Week: Pam Larson— Scheduled for Monday October 17th to Friday October 21st. The Police Department will help with expense. Est cost is $600. Mrs Larsen will have more details on Thursday. Tabled for the October meeting.

Jennifer Watters—opera program: Possibly partnering with Fontana. The total cost of this program is $800, with Walworth paying $500 and Fontana paying $300. Further decisions were tabled because Mrs Watters was unable to attend this meeting.

Whitewater Players: Mrs Larsen is looking into this program; usually the deposit is made in June. Performance is in late October. Motion to accept was made by Cathy Boldger, seconded by Cindy Nordmeyer.

Fundraisers for Fall: Wellness Walk during Red Ribbon Week scheduled for Oct 21st. Title suggested : “Healthy kids making a drug free choice”. Probably to take place during specials in the school day. Possible issue: need approval from Big Foot? Checks and cash donations only. Suggestions included class teams, stations, parent participation. Art department offered to have graphic design team make posters.

Fundraiser suggestion: simply ask for straight donations, thereby not constantly asking family and friends to purchase items.

Mrs Roemer: Requested Kleenex boxes for the art and music departments. Mrs Knorr and Mrs Larsen advised her to contact the office.

Mrs Roemer: Requested volunteers to hang art work in school corridors.

1st Grade Team: 4H program 'Chicks And Ducks' in each classroom. Would cost $12 for chicks, $24 For ducks. $50 requested to cover costs for the whole first grade. This program runs at two different points during the Spring.

UW Whitewater play: The Magic School Bus, for 1st grade only. A decision was tabled until the October meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Motioned by Cindy Nordmeyer, Second Melinda Peterson.