Walworth Parents Club Agenda -- Tuesday 11 September 2012:
Call to order
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
Income Sources Reports:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer
* Sentry Receipts - Student Council
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni
* Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall
* Target - Carolyn Holt
* Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee
Communication from the public:
* Blog - WalworthParentsClub.Blogspot.com
* Email - WalworthParentsClub@Gmail.com
* Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)
* School website - http://www.walworth.k12.wi.us/
* Other
Unfinished Business:
* Business review from May 2012 meeting
New Business:
* 2nd grade fund request - Jodi Cullen
* Other funds requests
* Informal request for funds from Janitorial Dept
* Discuss Fall fundraising opportunities
* Schedule next meeting Tuesday 9 October 2012
Posted in
Parents' Club Minutes -- Monday 14 May 2012
Respectfully submitted by Melanie Litton-Castellon
Members Present: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Sandi Haeni (Vice President),
Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Tammy Griffin (Secretary). Parents Present: Nicole Kinane, Julie Ford,
Tami Nottolini, Toni Pieper. Staff Present: Pamela Larson, Pamela Knorr, Jill Trosclair, Linda
Wenzel, Cathy Boldger.
Review of Minutes: One typo pointed out by Mrs Pieper. Minutes were approved. Motion by
Mrs Ford, Second by Ms Larson
Treasurer's Report: Copies available upon request
Income Sources: These were covered in the Treasurer's Report
Unfinished Business:
1 Ice Cream Social Report provided by Art Dept and Mrs Ford
*Loose ends were tied, and there was general discussion about games, food,
music, book/media exchange
* Mrs Griffin offered to pick up the ice cream
*Arranged with administration to have the freezer unlocked
2 Staff Appreciation Report from Mrs Nottolini
*Final cost to date is $516.72
*$50 and $100, respectively, approved for food from local restaurants, Motion
by Mrs Griffin, Second by Mrs Ford
3 Discussion: Greco Fundraiser
* Mrs Trosclair offered to arrange to have desserts provided by school staff.
4 Discussion: 8th Grade Graduation
*$1,000 budget passed. Motion by Mrs Nottolini, Second by Mrs Griffin
*Ms Litton-Castellon agreed to purchase more silk flowers from Michael's
*Kelly Oliver (not present) to bring food tray
*Danelle Craig (not present) is unable to provide cakes this year; Ginger
Arnold (not present) instead ordered goods from local Mexican bakery
*Ms Litton-Castellon and Mrs Holt agreed to pick up cakes from Mexican
bakery on the day of graduation
5 Other unfinished business included a motion to approve $300 for stickers for
Mrs Wenzel's Reading Counts books (Motion by Mrs Ford, Second by Mrs
Knorr). $370 for stickers approved by Mrs Knorr
New Business:
1 7th grade fund request was approved, motion to give a flat $500 from Mrs Ford,
Second by Mrs Trosclair
2 8th grade fund request was approved, motion to give $275 from Mrs Ford,
Second by Mrs Wenzel
3 Vote to move our meetings to 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Motion from
Mrs Boldger, Second by Mrs Knorr
4 Extracurricular program raised by Mrs Nottolini and Troy Hummel (not present)
was deemed not Walworth Parents' Club business, and should be raised with
school administration instead
Next Meeting Scheduled For: 11 September 2012
Adjourned 7:58pm