As you may know, Parents Club has been collecting Box Tops for Education and Walworth Sentry Receipts to raise money for the school. Box Tops are worth 10 cents each and we reap 1% of net sales on Walworth Sentry receipts that are turned into the office with a Funds for Friends sticker on them (small, green, square... you ask for them at the check-out.)
This year, we'd like to help the Student Council fund their activities by turning the Sentry receipt program to them. We are also giving the proceeds of the Box Tops collected by 7th and 8th graders to the Student Council.
Please turn your receipts into the office within 3 months of the purchase date. If you have Box Tops for the Student Council, send them with a 7th or 8th grader.
Thanks for your help!
November 17, 2010 at 6:06 PM
C'mon... it's fun, it's easy and a great way to support the school!