The Art Fair and Ice Cream Social is coming up on May 17th from 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. This year, we will have live music all evening in the Multi-Purpose Room, art displays in the hallways nearest the
We are in need of volunteers to help the
The following are the times needed for help:
Set up- 3:30-4:30p.m. – 3-4 people needed)
Ice Cream Scooping Shifts (3-4 people needed for each shift):
5:45-6:30 –
6:30-7:15 -
7:15-8:00 - (or until we run out of ice cream, whichever happens first!)
Shifts needed for crowd control (keeping people contained to art/gym hallways and helping in art room when needed by art teachers)
5:45-6:30 –
6:30-7:15 -
7:15-8:00 –
Please contact Julie Ford at or at 394-2435 if you can assist in any way (even if for part of a shift). It should be another fun night for the school community!
Thanks in advance for your help.