Are you in 7th grade and interested in seeing Washington D.C. in spring of 2012. Two parents, Ginger Arnold and Trish Dixon, have been working hard to develop a plan to get you there.
This parent sponsored class trip would be to our nation’s capitol and would take place in April/May of 2012. We are in the very early stages of planning but would like to share the following details with all students/parents:
- 2 nights/3 days
- Approximate price is $700-900 per student/chaperone.
- Price would include: Round trip flight, hotel, most meals, bus transportation and guide in DC.
Because this is NOT a school sponsored trip, this will be the only flyer/information that will come home with your student from school. If you are interested in learning more about this class trip, you can contact Ginger Arnold at 262-210-3405 or
February 18, 2011 at 9:04 AM
Yes, this is for current 7th graders. We are planning early so we can save & fundraise so EVERYONE can go.
PLEASE email me if you are interested. The more, the merrier... and the cheaper!!
Stay tuned for fundraising info!
Thanks! Ginger