Monday, February 14, 2011
Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice-President, and Carolyn Holt-Treasurer. School Staff present: Pam Knorr. Parents present: Sandi Haeni, Cindy Nordmeyer, Alicia Swanson, Trish Dixon, and Ginger Arnold.
Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved with a motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; Sandi Haeni seconded.
Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)
1. The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to
2. Join our Facebook page by searching Walworth Parents Club and you’ll be sent an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.
Committee Reports:
1. Playground –of by the Grounds/Maintenance Committee.
2. Fundraiser – This will be postponed until September or October of 2011 as not to conflict with the Spaghetti Dinner/Bingo/Silent Auction being held for two Walworth families in need.
3. Box Tops Contest – Sandy Haeni, chair. Classroom contest going well- ends Thurs, Feb 24.
4. Staff Appreciation–Tami Nottolini has volunteered to chair and has others to help her (more welcome!) Thanks to Kelly Oliver for lining up treats for upcoming conferences.
5. SchoolKidz – Jennifer Watters is working with the school supply kit company to get order forms ready for the 2011-2012 school year.
6. Mother’s Day Fudge – Jennifer Watters is working with the Main Street Country Store for upcoming fudge orders. Forms should be out in late April
7. Champion Frozen Pizza Fundraiser– Jennifer Watters, chair. Selling after the Forensics Meet on April 30 was mentioned as a possibility. Pam Knorr will check to see if this would pose a conflict with organizers of the event. Another option would be to sell after show times of the musical that runs that same weekend.
8. Green Initiative – Options for green fundraisers (recycling cell phones, etc.) were discussed.
Old Business:
1. Officer Elections – Nominations will be open in April for the 2011 – 2012 School Year. If you have questions about officer roles, please contact a board member.
New Business
2. First Grade Field Trip – Cyndi Nordmeyer moved to approve the funding of one bus ($180) to
3. End of Year Play Day – A chair was requested for the event to field the needs of the team leaders who will each prepare activities like last year. Pam Knorr offered to ask each of the team leads what they might need and get back to the group.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:21p.m. with a motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; seconded by Ginger Arnold.
Next meeting: Monday, March 14, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge
Respectfully submitted by: Julie Ford