
Here you can view past meeting minutes. Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and participate!

Walworth Parents Club Minutes Tuesday, September 9th, 2014
Submitted By: Nikki Kling
Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Brenda Wenger, Ben Sourse, Dora Alcozer, Claudia Mendoza, Cathy Boldger
Parents: Kevin Kling, Ann Rohe, Nicole Kinane, Balvina Ortiz, Rocio Nieves, Jill Topp, Sandra Alcozer, Margaret Romine
Call to Order: 7:08pm
Approval of Minutes
Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
*Reviewed budget
*Copies available upon request
Communication from the public:
Thank you card from Mr. Hummel and Mrs. Halma (archery purchase)
Kelly Freeman (Hwy 14 update) November 1st bill of sale of antique mall to be finalized, would like more parent Involvement, village board meets 2nd Monday of every month, try to communicate to community of the board meeting the next month to voice parent opinion. Discussed Wisconsin State Capital Journal of the recent deaths of 5 due to Hwy 14 change north of us.
New Business:
Fall Fundraiser kick off assembly at school to also announce the top 10 sellers from spring fundraiser
Brenda Wenger wants to know if we can determine a certain dollar amount per each student for field trips. There are 520 students.
Directory divided by grade and then homeroom. Motioned by Ann Rohe. Seconded by Nicole Kinane and Ms. Alcozer
Mr. Source requested funds for band equipment, he brought three different quotes for a percussion kit, a trombone, and an alto saxophone
We discussed a letter going home to parents and community for an instrument drive/donations
This is the most successful year we have 54 5th grade students and 48 of them have chosen to take band. He currently has 9 students without instruments.
We the approved $1,500 for the set requested, motioned by Ann Rohe second by Cathy Boldger Adjourn


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Tuesday 14 October 2014
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Valerie Gibbs (President), Nikki Kling (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl(Treasurer)
Staff: Eileen Colman, Pam Larson, Claudia Mandoza, Barb Weborg, Debra Amann
Parents: Ann Rohe, Balvina Ortiz, Rocio Mieves, Julia Vail, Nicole Kinane
Community: Kelly Freeman

Call to order 7:07 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion –Rebecca Roehl, Second – Anne Rohe

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Discussed Hwy 14 at board meeting. communications  - or 262-548-6462 to voice concerns or answer questions.

Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Sandi Haeni [Not Present]
            *Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts
            *Box Tops – Nicole Crusan – Contest set for February. $653.83 profit, total $1194.80
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – November was double points. Total just below 2000 pts. Provide monthly promotions. Sign up to be a supporter.
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs
            *Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present]

Unfinished Business:
1.     Fundraiser Pizza Party: Party still needs to be done.
New Business:
1.     Art Works: Will be emailing Rachel about art work.
2.     Family Directory: Note sent home asking about paper copy.  
3.     School Spirit Wear:  Decided on offering both logos, will be done by Christmas.
4.     Funds Request: 6th Grade field trip to see Christmas Carol and Art Museum. Approved $7/student.
5.     2014-2015 Budget: Agreed to pay $7/student for field trips this school year. Motion: Debbie Amann Second: Nicole Kinane
6.     New Fundraiser Ideas: Raffles, Pampered Chef, School Supplies
7.     Yess: Meetings are 2nd Thursday of the month, 7:30-8:30pm
8.     Next meeting Scheduled: Tuesday, November 11th, 2014 common area outside Teacher’s work room at 6:45 pm. Motion –Debbie Amann, Second – Barb Webarg
Adjourn 8:35pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Tuesday 11 November 2014
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Valerie Gibbs (President), Kelly Taylor(Secretary), Nikki Kling (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl(Treasurer)
Staff: Pamela Larson, Kathy Boldger, Nicole Crusan
Parents: Tenee Torrez, Debra Amann, Kevin Kling, Kelly Freeman, Dennis Vanderbloemen

Call to order 6:50 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Debbie Amenn, Second – Nicole

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Rassmeusen – Hwy 14, gave history of project, explained 2 different plans, communications  - or 262-548-6462 to voice concerns or answer questions.

Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Sandi Haeni [Not Present]
            *Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts
            *Box Tops – Nicole Crusan – Contest set for February. $653.83 profit, total $1194.80
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – November was double points. Total just below 2000 pts. Provide monthly promotions. Sign up to be a supporter.
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs
            *Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present]

Unfinished Business:
1.     Art Works: Decided not to participate in this year.
2.     Family Directory: Complete and sent out. Awaiting corrections.
3.     Fundraiser Pizza Party: This has been taken care of.
New Business:
1.     Mrs. Ott-Wilson: Requesting 300.00 for Red Ribbon Week to purchase turkeys, turkey costume, Ribbons, DAoor Decorations, Prizes, Contest Twister Game for Gym.
a.     1st – Nicole 2nd – Nicole Crusan
2.     School Supply Kits: Order through form sent home or online, received before registration, Can order items in bulk
a.     1st – Debbie 2nd - Kevin
3.     Next meeting Scheduled: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 common area outside Teacher’s work room at 6:45 pm. Motion –Debbie, Second – Kevin 


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Tuesday 9 December 2014
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Kelly Taylor(Secretary), Nikki Kling (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl(Treasurer)
Staff: Pamela Larson
Parents: Kevin Kling, Annie Rohe

Call to order 7:17 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Kevin Kling, Second – Pamela Larsen

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Thank you notes for Red Ribbon Week Funds.
Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Valerie Gibbs[Not Present] – 4527.00 Profit to date, awaiting for few more checks from last fundraiser.
            *Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts
            *Box Tops – Nicole Crusan [Not Present] – Contest set for February. $653.83 profit, total $1194.80
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs [Not Present] – About 2200 pts. Provide monthly promotions. Sign up to be a supporter.
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary
            *Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) – February Contest planned

Unfinished Business:
1.     Art Works: Decided not to participate in this year.
2.     School Spirit Wear: $820.00 product sold. We receive about $2 per product sold as profit. Delivered to students homeroom or office if giving as gift.
3.     Fundraiser Pizza Party: (Last Spring and Fall Fundraiser) – ½ done, other half before Christmas.  
New Business:
1.     Yess Committee: Meeting Thursday, Bingo night Jan. 30 – Parents club provides refreshments.
2.     School Supply Kits: Order through form sent home or online, received before registration, Can order items in bulk
a.     1st – Debbie 2nd – Kevin
3.     Next Month Items: Staff Appreciation suggestions/volunteers, Graduation volunteers, Year End Play Day planning committee/volunteers, Ice Cream Social volunteers/Auction baskets (Announce April 7th)
4.     Next meeting Scheduled: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014 common area outside Teacher’s work room at 7:00 pm. Motion –Kevin Kling, Second – Annie Rohe
    Motion – Annie Rohe   Second – Kevin Kling


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Tuesday 13 January 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Kelly Taylor (Secretary), Nikki Kling (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Brent Wilson, Eileen Coleman, Cathy Boldger, Laura Barker, Dora Alcozer
Parents: Kevin Kling

Call to order 7:07 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion – Eileen Coleman, Second – Cathy Boldger

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Valerie Gibbs – Spring cookie fundraiser coming up.
            *Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts
            *Box Tops – Nicole Crusan [Not Present] – Contest set for February. Certain amount redeemed for The Wave tickets (Tickets are being confirmed what is needed for entry)
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – About 2200 pts. Provide monthly promotions. Sign up to be a supporter. Promote for Teacher Appreciation week.
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary
            *Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) – February Contest planned

Unfinished Business:
1.     Yess: Meetings are 2nd Thursday of the month.
2.     Fundraiser Pizza Party: (Last Spring and Fall Fundraiser) – ½ done, other half still needs to take place.
New Business:

1.     School Supply Kits: Order through form sent home or online, received before registration, Can order items in bulk
a.     1st – Debbie 2nd – Kevin
2.     Next Month Items:
a.     Staff Appreciation suggestions/volunteers – April 27 – May 1.
b.     Graduation volunteers – Contact Danelle Craig for Treats
c.      Year End Play Day planning committee/volunteers
d.     Ice Cream Social volunteers/Auction baskets (Announce April 7th, Deadline for baskets May 1st. Include Market Day basket.
3.     School Spirit Wear: Provide purchase twice a year, at registration and Christmas
4.     Next meeting Scheduled: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 common area outside Teacher’s work room at 7:00 pm.
    7:55 PM


Walworth Parent’s Club Minutes - Tuesday February 10, 2015
Respectfully submitted by Rebecca Roehl

Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Mandi Ausitn, Nichole Crusan, Kelly Freeman, April Antonson, Brent Wilson, Dora Alcozer
Parents: Cindy Nordmeyer, Nicole Kinane, Ann Rohe, Debra Amann, Kevin Kling

Call to Order 7:05 Motion: 1st Cindy Nordmeyer 2nd Ann Rohe
Approval of Minutes No Discussion Motion: 1st Ann Roe, 2nd Kevin Kling
Treasurer’s Report: Rebecca Roehl
January budget was reviewed.  Income earned from Market Day and Box Tops.  Few clarifications were made.  Budget was accepted.         
Communication from the Public:
            Hwy 14 Update: Kelly Freeman (School Board President)
About 40 residents attended last week’s public hearing meeting.  The current “West Plan” is the favorite among DOT and Village Board.  It puts Hwy 14 71ft from the school.  The School Board prefers the “East Plan” and requests public outreach to help get their side heard.  The next Village Board meeting is March 9 and it was suggested that as many people as possible attend this meeting to let the school board know how parents and community members feel about the construction plans. The Antique Mall will be torn down sometime this spring.  School officials requested it come down during spring break week and that grass be planted in its place.  It was also noted that the village board needs to petition the DOT in order to make the speed limit on the highway near the school a “school zone.”
Monthly Updates
            Income Sources
                        Market Day: Cindy Nordmeyer
                          We will no longer have a rep from Market Day present at our monthly Saturday pick-ups.  In place of the rep an office from Parent’s Club needs to be present to help deal with the money.  Pick-up is once a month with the truck arriving at 9am and pickup ending at 10:30. Cash and Checks will need to be mailed to Market Day as the majority of our orders come from people who pay at pick-up and not prepay online.  Monthy summaries will now be emailed to treasurer.
                          Box Tops: Nichole Crusan
                          Box Top contest is in full swing.  Students can earn a free ticket to a Milwaukee Wave game if they bring in 10 box tops.  We are wondering if this is possibly hurting us as perhaps people are only saving 10 box tops to receive ticket and not sending in more.  The group is still working on nailing down a middle school incentive in hopes to gain more participation at the middle school level.
                          Labels for Education: Valerie Gibbs
                          Labels for Education is ending E-points at the end of July
                          Continue to use your Red card and sign up Walworth Elementary and Middle School at your beneficiary.  We are anticipating a check from Target in February.
                          Other Business:
Continue to collect Sentry Receipts and Pop Tops and turn them into the school.
New and Reoccuring Business:
            Yess Committee:
Bingo night was a success. Thank you so everyone who donated baked goods.  The committee is planning a family night for the near future.  More information to follow.
            Robotics Fund Request: Mandi Austin/Kimberly Kleich
The 5th-8th grade Robotics Club requested $400 to pay for the bus to their upcoming competition.  The robotics club consists of 25 students (5 teams).  After some discussion it was decided that we would give $275 towards the bus.  Leaving the students to pay approximately $5 each for the bus.  (Motions: 1st Cindy Nordmeyer, 2nd Debra Amann)
            Wellness Committee Request: April Antonson
The Wellness Committee is looking to do a run/walk this year as a fun, school pride/unity building activity this year.  They are considering a color run or an obstacle run.  This could possibly tie into the end of the year field day.  With a separate run for the middle school the day before. The committee requested help with funding the race and the purchasing of color powder for a color run.  The numbers presented ($6.99/lb) were determined to not be feasible and the committee will look at other options and present a more detailed plan and fund request at the March meeting.
Staff Appreciation Week
Week of April 27-May 1.  We are open to any ideas and volunteers to help may this week a good one for our teachers.  Thank you to those who have already volunteered.
                        Please let an officer know if you are interested in helping with Graduation.
            School Spirit Wear
                        Still waiting on bill
            Pizza Party for Fundraiser Top Sellers
This has been completed for both the Spring and Fall fundraisers.  The receipts have been submitted to Market Day for reimbursement.      
            School Supply Kits
Nikki Kling has been working to get this fundraiser organized.  The dates are being finalized and information is going out to, and being gathered from, the teachers and school staff.  The kits will be able to be picked up during the July registration dates.
Ice Cream Social/Art Fair
                          The date for the Art Fair/Ice Cream Social/YESS committee Game Exchange is Tuesday, May 12.  Mr. Wilson has been working with the teachers in order to have themes and baskets created.  The deadline for turning in baskets is May 1. Parent’s Club will then create a list of all items in the baskets to be viewed by people at the auction.  If you are interested in helping with this event please let an officer know.
            Spring Cookie Fundraiser
We will be receiving the fundraising packets on Feb. 18.  The fundraiser will be being on Friday Feb. 27 with a kick-off assembly during the school day. Order forms will be due March 16 and online orders must be completed by March 22.  Pick up of purchased items will be April 13 from after school until approximately 5:30.
            Other New Business
                        Approved $43.74 for the purchase of DVDs for indoor recess.

Adjourned 8:38pm

Next meeting March 10, 2015 at 7pm


Walworth Parent’s Club Minutes - Tuesday March 10, 2015
Respectfully submitted by Rebecca Roehl

Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Michelle Schauf, April Antonson, Linda Wenzel, Brent Wilson
Parents: Julia Vail, Ann Rohe,

Call to Order 7:12pm
Approval of Minutes No Discussion Motion: 1st Julia Vail, 2nd Ann Roe
Treasurer’s Report: Rebecca Roehl
February budget was reviewed.  Income earned from Market Day and Target.  Money was paid for indoor recess DVDs, Robotics bus, and Red Ribbon Week. However, it was learned the school no longer needs reimbursement from Parent’s Club for Red Ribbon Week so that money will be refunded somehow.  Budget was accepted.    
Communication from the Public:
            Field Trip Requests
1st Grade to Covenant Harbor’s Maple Tours: Approved for total trip cost of $5.75 per student for about 52 students.
JK/K to Young Auditorium: Seeing “Charlotte’s Web” Approved for $2.25 per student (about 89 students).  JK/K already used $4.75 per student on their trip this fall.
            Hwy 14 Update: Mr. Wilson
They started utility work outside Antique building, inside demolition starting in the next couple of weeks.  The building itself will be coming down mid-June as they will mostly need the whole parking lot for demolition.
At Parent-Teacher conferences the school will be conducting a mini-survey to find out if more people favor the East or West plan.
            Testing Changes: Mr. Wilson
The Green lab will be open for parents during Parent-Teacher conferences for parents to take a practice Wisconsin Badger Exam.  This test replaced the WKCE but will not include the language arts test this year. 
Also the promotion policy of the school has changed to deal with the new tests.  The new policy places more emphasis on grades.  All BFAS (Big Foot Area Schools) has the same policy.
Monthly Updates
            Income Sources
                        Market Day: Monthly orders are continuing.  Cookie Dough sale is in full swing.  Orders due March 16th and with up will be on April 13 after school until 6ish. School reach phone call reminder will be made.
                          Box Tops:
.                         Mrs. Koltes’ kindergarten class won a pizza party for the most box tops collected in the elementary school and Mrs. Brungraber’s homeroom won a bowling party for the most box tops collected in the middle school.
                          Labels for Education: Valerie Gibbs
                          We will be giving these points to teachers during staff appreciation week. Valerie will be checking on how many teachers we can reward with points.
                          Continue to use your Red card and sign up Walworth Elementary and Middle School at your beneficiary.  We earned $77 from Target purchases from the past 6 months.

Other Business:
Continue to collect Sentry Receipts and Pop Tops and turn them into the school.  Sentry receipts do not need to have the green sticker-the school has some.
New and Reoccurring Business:
 Staff Appreciation Week
Week of April 27-May 1.  We are open to any ideas and volunteers to help may this week a good one for our teachers.  Thank you to those who have already volunteered.
Ice Cream Social/Art Fair
                          The date for the Art Fair/Ice Cream Social/YESS committee Game Exchange is Tuesday, May 12 from 6-8pm. Set-up starts about 4:30 and clean-up is usually done by 8:30.  We need at least 3 people per shift to scoop ice cream.  If you are interested in helping with this event please let an officer know.  We are still working on getting donations for this event.  We are hoping local businesses will be able to help.
We will be contacting 7th grade parents to see if they care interested in helping with graduation.  People will be needed to help set up right after lunch, right before graduation, serving punch, and cleaning up. Please let an officer know if you are interested in helping with Graduation.
End of the Year Event:
This event will be held June 9th with a possible “rain date” of June 8th.  This event will include Parent’s Club run Field Day and the Wellness Committee run Color Run.  The run will be for grades K-4 and will be held on the field by the church behind the school.  Stations for the Field Day will be planed around the schedule for the Color Run. We are looking into which staff are available to help with the field day portion of this event.  Also we are going to explore the option of 8th grade or high school volunteers helping to run stations.
April Antonson, representing the Wellness Committee, presented a request for money to purchase color powder for the end of the year color run.  Mrs. Schauf made a motion and it was seconded by Mrs. Coleman and Parent’s Club approved funding, up to $425, for color powder. 
            School Spirit Wear
                        Still waiting on bill
            School Supply Kits
Nikki Kling has been working to get this fundraiser organized.  The dates are being finalized and information is going out to, and being gathered from, the teachers and school staff.  The kits will be able to be picked up during the July registration dates.
New Business
            Calendar Raffle
It was decided to pursue doing a calendar raffle for next school year.  The goal will be to have the calendar raffle tickets available for sale at registration in July.  Rebecca Roehl is going to look into the logistics for getting this started.

Adjourned 8:25pm

Next meeting April 14, 2015 at 7pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Tuesday 14 April 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly Taylor (Secretary), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Brent Wilson, Eileen Coleman, Jodi Cullen, Don Haly, Dora Alcozer, Racheal Roemer
Parents: Kevin Kling, Annie Rohe, Susan Carlson, Nicole Kinane, Debra Amann

Call to order 7:07 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion –Jodi Cullen, Second – Dora Alcozer

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Field Trip requests –
            2nd Grade to Madison Zoo, Approved for 7.00 per student. (59 students)
            3rd Grade to Milwaukee Museum/IMAX, Approved for 7.00 per student. (44 students)
            4th Grade to Old World Wisconsin, approved for 7.00 per student. (About 51 students)
            5th Grade to Camp Timberlee (Outdoor Ed), approved for 7.00 per student. (56 students)
Hwy 14 – Mr. Wilson
            Committee has been formed, DOT has requested permission to use parking lot for demolition in June of Antique Mall. No decision has been made due to summer school still being in session.
            Survey was conducted during Parent-Teacher Conferences and majority was in favor of the East plan opposed to the West plan.
Testing Changes – Mr. Wilson
            The Wisconsin Badger Exam which replaces the WKCE but will not include the language arts test this year. Also, the promotion policy of the school has changed to deal with the new tests. The new policy places more emphasis on grades. All BFAS (Big Foot Area Schools) have the same policy.
            It has been requested to have a fund set in next years budget specifically for this test for head phones in case students do not have them. This is still under discussion.
Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Valerie Gibbs – Cookie Fundraiser brought in a profit of about $1,100.  Monthly orders are continuing.
            *Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts, School does have stickers for receipts that do not have them.
            *Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – February contest brought in a profit of $2, 068.20. Flyer was sent home with info, can continue to turn in box tops or save until next contest. Winning Classes are receiving their parties.
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – About 2200 pts. Provide monthly promotions. Sign up to be a supporter. Next shipment ready to go out. Will get updated point total soon and will be put toward Teacher Appreciation.   
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card. We have earned $77 in the last 6 months.
            *Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House)

Unfinished Business:
New Business:

1.     Staff Appreciation: Week of April 27 – May 1. Coordination in progress, volunteers still needed. Thank you to those who have already volunteered.
2.     Ice Cream Social/Art Fair: The date for the Ice Cream Social/Art Fair/YESS Committee Game/Book exchange is set for May 12 from 6-8pm. Set-up starts about 4:30 and clean-up is usually done by 8:30. If you are interested in helping with this event please let an officer know. We are still working on getting donations for this event. We are hoping local businesses will be able to help.
3.     Graduation: We will be contacting 7th grade parents to see if they are interested in helping with graduation. People will be needed to help set up right after lunch, right before graduation, serving punch, and cleaning up. Please let an officer know if you are interested in helping with Graduation.
4.     End of Year Field Day: This event will be held June 9th with a possible “rain date” of June 8th. This event will include Parent’s Club run Field Day and Wellness Committee Color Run. The run will be for grades K-4 and will be held on the field by the church behind the church. We are looking into which staff are available to help with the field day portion of this event. Also we are going to explore the option of 8th grade or high school volunteers helping to run stations.
April Antonson, representing the Wellness Committee, presented a request for money to purchase color powder for the end of the year color run. Purchasing of colored powder was approved for up to $425. 
5.     School Supply Kits: School supply kits have been finalized, orders can be made through the form that will be sent home or online, received before registration, Can order items in bulk (Paper orders due back by May 8th, Online orders due May 15th, delivery will be on July 12 and can be picked up at registration May 23 and May 28 from 1-7pm.)
6.     School Spirit Wear: Still waiting on bill.
7.     Next meeting Scheduled: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 common area outside Teacher’s work room at 7:00 pm.
    7:58 PM


Walworth Parents Club Minutes – Thursday, 14 May 2015
Respectfully submitted by Kelly Taylor

Members Present:
Officers: Nikki Kling (President), Valerie Gibbs (Vice President), Kelly Taylor (Secretary), Rebecca Roehl (Treasurer)
Staff: Pam Larson, Susan Burgen, Martha Halma, April Antonson
Parents: None

Call to order 6:07 pm
Approval of Minutes: Motion –Valerie Gibbs, Second – Rebecca Roehl

Treasurer’s Report: Mrs. Roehl
            *We reviewed the budget
            *Copies available upon request
Communication from the Public:
Field Trip requests –
            8th Grade to Canopy Tour, Approved 7.00 per student. (48 Students)
            7th Grade to Tradeside Skating, Approved 7.00 per student. (52 Students)
Thank You’s:
            Thank you cards were presented for Staff Appreciation and Field Trips
Income Sources Reports:
            *Market Day – Cindy Nordmeyer [Not Present], Valerie Gibbs – Fall Fundraiser will be available next School year. Monthly orders are continuing.
            *Box Tops – Nicole Cruzan [Not Present] – Contests have been completed for the year. Contests are planned for next school year. Continue to collect and turn in box tops or save until next year’s contest.
            *Labels for Education – Valerie Gibbs – Will continue to collect and send in.    
            *Target – Valerie Gibbs – Sign school up as beneficiary on Red Card.
Other Business:
*Pop Tops – Jill Dallesassee [Not Present] (Ronald McDonald House) Will continue to collect Pop Tops.
**Sentry Receipts – Student Council [Not Present] – Continue to bring in stickered receipts, School does have stickers for receipts that do not have them.

Old Business:

1.     Staff Appreciation: Week of April 27 – May 1. The week went great! We got a great response from the Staff along with Thank you cards. Thank you to all who volunteer and provided food and time for the occasion.
2.     Ice Cream Social/Art Fair: The event went off without a hitch. We had a great turnout and cannot wait for next year!
3.     School Spirit Wear: School made a $17 profit. We are looking into a different provider for next year.

New Business:

4.     Graduation: We will be contacting 7th grade parents to see if they are interested in helping with graduation. Volunteers will be needed to help set up right after lunch, right before graduation, serving punch/pastries, and cleaning up. Please let an officer know if you are interested in helping with Graduation on June 5th.
5.     End of Year Field Day: This event will be held June 9th with a possible “rain date” of June 8th. This event will include Parent’s Club run Field Day and Wellness Committee Color Run. The run will be for grades JK-4. We are looking into which staff are available to help with the field day portion of this event. Also we are going to explore the option of 8th grade or high school volunteers helping to run stations. We are still looking for more volunteers, if interested please contact a Parent’s Club Officer. Shifts are 8:30 – 10:30am (JK, 3rd, and 4th Grade) and 12:30 – 2:30. (JK, K, 1st, and 2nd Grade)
Flyer will go out next Friday as well as an email looking for volunteers. Permission slips will be sent home. If you do NOT want your child(ren) participating, Fill out and send back.
6.     School Supply Kits: School supply kits have been finalized, orders can be made through the form that will be sent home or online, received before registration, Can order items in bulk (Paper orders due back by May 8th, Online orders due May 15th, delivery will be on July 12 and can be picked up at registration May 23 and May 28 from 1-7pm.)
7.     Pam Knorr Memorial Bench: Bench and plaque to be placed at the east side of the school in memory of Pam Knorr. Donation amount is under discussion.
8.     Calendar Fundraiser: Calendar Fundraiser is in the process of being approved. Will run from September through June. Purchase tickets for $10 for a chance to win up to $200 depending on month. Watch in registration packet for more information.
9.     New Officers: Position of Treasurer is available. If you are interested in becoming Treasurer, please contact a Parent’s Club Officer.
10.            Next Meeting Scheduled: Please refer to next year’s calendar for when the next formal meeting will be conducted.


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