
Here you can view past meeting minutes. Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and participate!

Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 7 May 2013:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (Secretary), Sandi Haeni (Vice President)
Staff: Pam Larson, Pam Knorr, Jodi Cullen
Parents: Julia Vail, Nicole Kinane, Kelly Davis, Jessica Ames, Barry Gilmore, Kelly Taylor, Debra Amann, Valerie Bereckis-Gibbs, Karla Eischeid, Diane Martin, Ashley Hicks, Kim Jordan, Jody Chambers, Julie Ford, Jean Culley, Melinda Peterson, Tammy Griffin
Call to order 7:01pm
Approval of Minutes- Motion- Mrs. Ford, Second- Mrs. Griffin

Treasurer's Report – Mrs. Holt
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request

Communication from the public
            *We received a thank you note from the 3rd graders that attended the field trip to MPM
            *We received a thank you note from the 4th grade teachers for the field trip to Old World Wisconsin
Income Sources Reports:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present] March total $165.65
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni-Dispute has been cleared up. We will receive $800 in December
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year) Explained the Red Card
* Pop Tops - Jill Dallesasse- S.H.O.W. Club collects the pop tops. All proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House.

Unfinished Business:
  1. Fundraising update- Mrs. Haeni said we raised $1770.37. Flower blub orders will be available for pick up on Thursday 9 May at 3:30 in the multipurpose room.
  2. Staff Appreciation Week (May 6-10)- Mrs. Tipps [Not present] is heading up this committee.
  3. Art Fair/Ice cream social- Mrs. Pieper gave the update on who and what has been donated. Opened the floor asking for more volunteers. Many stepped up to help.
  4. Graduation (Friday 7 June) 55 graduates- Ms. Davis head the set up committee. Mrs. Craig will be asked about doing pastries. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Ames volunteered to help with the event.

New Business:
1.    Mrs. Larson is working to secure free childcare for ALL PC meetings from Student Council members. This will count as service hours for the students. They will watch the kids in the atrium.
2.    Funds Requests
*Mrs. Cullen requested funds for the 2nd Grade field trip bus to Henry Vilas Zoo. Current cost $12.75/student (60 students). We agreed to pay $345. Motion-Mrs. Pieper, Second- Mr. Gilmore
*Mrs. Larson requested funds for the Whitewater Players on 28 October 2013. The cost of the assembly is $350. Motion-Mr. Gilmore, Second-Mrs. Jordan
3.    Elections
*Secretary- Mrs. Pieper- unanimous yes vote
*Treasurer- Mrs. Taylor- unanimous yes vote
*Vice President- Mrs. Jordan- unanimous yes vote
*President- Mrs. Chambers 16 votes, Mr. Gilmore 4 votes
Motion from Mrs. Vail to have 2 Vice Presidents. Mr. Gilmore and Mrs. Jordan will share duties
4.    Next meeting scheduled: 4 June 2013 at 7pm in the teachers workroom
  Adjourn: 8:00pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 9 April 2013:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (Secretary), Sandi Haeni (Vice President)
Staff: Pam Larson, April Antonson, Rachel Roemer, Jill Dallesasse, Michelle Schauf, Troy Hummel
Parents: Julia Vail, Nicole Kinane, Vanessa Tipps

Call to order 7:02pm
Approval of Minutes- Motion- Mrs. Larson, Second- Mrs. Schauf

Treasurer's Report – Mrs. Holt
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present] March total $165.65
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni-Working to clear up a dispute with BTFE. We should receive approximately $900 for the spring collection.
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
* Pop Tops - Jill Dallesasse- S.H.O.W. Club collects the pop tops. All proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House.
Unfinished Business:
  1. Fundraising update- Mrs. Haeni reported that the Fast Track Fundraiser of Flower Bulbs would start on April 15 with one week of sales. The orders will be submitted by April 22nd. The expected arrival date of orders placed would be the week of May 6th.
  2. Mrs. Tipps informed us that the $1500 will no longer be needed to finish the fence.
New Business:
1.            Funds request:
*Mrs. Niemuth requested funds for the 3rd grade field trip to MPM. Original cost $21.75/student. We agreed to pay $640. Motion-Mrs. Tipps, Second-Mrs. Kinane
*Mrs. Schauf requested funds for the 5th grade fieldtrip to Holiday Home bus expense of $240. We agreed to pay $240. Motion-Mrs. Kinane, Second-Mrs. Tipps
*Mrs. Tipps requested funds for Teacher Appreciation Week. Board is providing a light lunch for Tuesday and Thursday. Mrs. Tipps and Mrs. Nottolini are co-chairs and are looking for baked goods donations for that week. We agreed to pay $500. Motion-Mrs. Vail, Second-Mrs. Kinane
2.         Upcoming Events
*Art Fair and Ice cream social (Tuesday 14 May 2013) Mrs. Pieper and Ms. Litton-Castellon are co-chairs. We are looking for volunteers to help with the event.
            *Graduation (7 June 2013) Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Pieper, Mrs. Haeni, Ms. Litton-Castellon and Mrs. Tipps are the graduation committee. We will be looking for volunteers from 7th grade parents to help with the event.
*Mr. Hummel spoke about the Wellness Committee.
3.         Communication from the public:  We received thanks for providing funds for the Mad Science Assembly.
4.         Elections: We collectively agreed to table elections until our next meeting. All positions are available for next year. Please contact a Parents Club officer if you are interested in filling this position. A discussion was held about disbanding PC if we cannot get more parent involvement. Many communication pieces will be going out to the student body this month in attempt to gather more support. School Reach can be used to notify parents about monthly meetings.
5.         Scheduled next meeting: Tuesday 7 May 2013
Adjourn 8:12pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 12 March 2013:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (secretary)
Staff: Pam Larson, Jill Trosclair
Parents: Julie Ford, Nicole Kinane, Vanessa Tipps

Call to order 7:00pm
Approval of Minutes- Motion- Mrs. Ford, Second- Mrs. Tipps

Treasurer's Report – Mrs. Holt
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present]
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni [not present]- Announced the winner of the last contest was Miss Koltes’ class. They won brownies. Over 9000 box tops were submitted bringing in $400-$500 over budget!!
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
            * Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee [not present]

Unfinished Business:
  1. Target cards- If you get a Target card and put WEMS as your beneficiary, we receive 1% back. There are two options for cards. You can get a Target credit card or a Target Red card (debit card) that links to your checking account. The Red card is only useable at Target.
  2. Fundraising update- Mrs. Haeni [not present] reported that the Fast Track Fundraiser of Flower Bulbs would start on April 15 with one week of sales. The expected arrival date of orders placed would be the week prior to Mother’s Day.
New Business:
1.            Funds request:
*Mrs. Tipps requested funds to finish the fence around the playground. She reported that she collected 89 parent signatures requesting a gapless fence. A discussion was held and we concluded that if the Building and Playground Fund does not cover the cost then Parents Club would fund $1500 towards the goal. Motion- Mrs. Ford, second- Mrs. Pieper
*Mrs. Trosclair requested funds for a 4th Grade field trip to Old World Wisconsin. Original cost was $14.50/student. We agreed to pay $405 to bring the cost down to $7/student. Motion- Mrs. Ford, second- Mrs. Tipps
*Mrs. Anice Machado [not present] requested funds for an 8th Grade field trip to the Holocaust Museum in May. If a grant was not available as in the past we agreed to pay $490 bringing the cost to $10/student. Motion- Mrs. Ford, Second- Mrs. Kinane
*Mrs. Larson requested funds for a Mad Science assembly for the whole school on April 5th. We agreed to pay $400 for the assembly. Motion- Mrs. Ford, Second- Mrs. Tipps
2.            We received an email from Danelle Craig stating that she is available to do pastries this year for the 8th Grade graduation
3.            Communication from the public:  We received more thank you notes from the staff for the Target gift cards.
4.            Staff Appriciation Week: Mrs. Tipps said she was willing to co-chair the committee
5.            Elections: Parents Club elections will be held at our next meeting. The vice president and treasurer position will need to be filled for next year. Please contact a Parents Club officer if you are interested in filling this position.
6.            Scheduled next meeting: Tuesday 9 April 2013
Adjourn 7:49pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 8 January 2013:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Sandi Haeni (Vice President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (secretary)
Staff: Pam Knorr, Cindy Mecum
Parents: Julie Ford

Call to order 7:02pm


Approval of Minutes- 1st- Pam Knorr 2nd- Cindy Mecum

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present]- There is an issue of people ordering and not picking up orders. We hope to put the items up for sale at the next Market Day to recoup our cost.
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni- Announced the next contest will be starting at the end of the month and will conclude on 21 Feb 2013. We discussed prizes, but nothing was decided.
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]- We currently have 8671 points
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
            * Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee [not present]

Unfinished Business:
  1. Due to not hearing a reply from Mr. Zs for fundraising, we will not be using them for our spring fundraiser.
  2. Electronic Recycling Program- Pam Knorr will be speaking with Pam Larson about getting this program going.           
New Business:
1.            Funds request: There were no fund requests.
2.            Fundraising: We have decided to go with the Flower Bulbs by Fast Track Fundraising for this spring. The bulbs range in $5-25. The school will receive 50% profit and free shipping if we have 150 or more items ordered.
3.            Communication from the public:  We received numerous thank you notes from the staff for the Target gift cards. We received numerous thank you notes from the students who attended the Chicago Opera Playhouse fieldtrip.
3.         Schedule next meeting Tuesday 12 February 2013.
4.         The treasurer position will need to be filled for next year. Please contact a Parents Club officer if you are interested in filling this position.

Adjourn 7:27pm

Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 11 December 2012:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (secretary)
Parents: Nicole Kinane

Call to order 6:35pm

Informal meeting at Sammy’s on the Square
  1. Agreement on $10 Target gift cards to school staff
  2. Carolyn Holt will pick up cards and gift cards. Officers will all help sign cards.
  3. Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 8, 2012

Adjourn 7:03pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 13 November 2012:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Sandi Haeni (Vice President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (secretary)
Staff: Pamela Larson, Ben Sorce, April Antonson

Call to order 7:03pm


Approval of Minutes- Correction pointed out on the next meeting date by Sandi Haeni

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
*We reviewed the budget
*Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
            * Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present]
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
            * Box Tops - Sandi Haeni (Announced the contest brought in $1237.70)
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
            * Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee [not present]

Communication from the public:
            * Blog -
            * Email -
            * Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)
                * School website -
Unfinished Business:
1.    Penny War- Since no one stepped up to chair the event we canceled the fundraiser
2.    Bookmark sales- April Antonson will chair
3.    Original Art- April Antonson will chair
4.    Artsonia- we discussed that the school does get a portion of the proceeds
New Business:
1.            Funds request:
* Rotary Club asked for $50 for Holiday Food Baskets. Since it was already built into the budget there was no discussion.
* Chicago Opera Playhouse assembly is $800. All present voted to fund the $800
2.            Discuss Fall fundraising opportunities
* Sandi Haeni will set up a Mr. Zs fundraiser during Feb/March. We discussed that we would want the delivery date to be March 16th
3.         We discussed hosting an Electronic Recycling program. Pam Larson agreed to look into the program farther.
4.         Schedule next meeting Tuesday 11 December 2012 at 6:30pm at Sammy’s On the Square for hot chocolate.
5.         The treasurer position will need to be filled for next year. Please contact a Parents Club officer if you are interested in filling this position.

Adjourn 7:40pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 9 October 2012:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present:
Officers: Melanie Litton-Castellon (President), Sandi Haeni (Vice President), Carolyn Holt (Treasurer), Toni Pieper (secretary)
Staff: Pamela Larson, Linda Wenzel, Emily Nolen
Parents: Nicole Kinane

Call to order 7:04pm


Approval of Minutes

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
*We reviewed and set the budget for the upcoming year. $7625 is our total expenses for payout during the 2012-13 school year.
*Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
            * Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer [not present]
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council [not present]
            * Box Tops - Sandi Haeni (Announced the contest would be ending Oct 25)
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall [not present]
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
            * Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee [not present]

Communication from the public:
            * Blog -
            * Email -
            * Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)
                * School website -
Unfinished Business:
            * There was no unfinished business
New Business:
1.            Funds request:
* Diane Schroeder- 6th grade fieldtrip to see A Christmas Carol, Request $410
Motion- Nicole Kinane 2nd- Emily Nolen
*Pam Larson- Red Ribbon Week speaker Carl Olsen, Request $400
Motion- Linda Wenzel 2nd- Emily Nolen
*Pam Larson- Whitewater Players Assembly of Aladdin, Request $250
Motion- Linda Wenzel 2nd- Nicole Kinane
            2.         Discuss Fall fundraising opportunities
Discussed Penny Wars around Thanksgiving, Bookmark sales through the Art Department
Kate Nitsch (Not Present) and Toni Pieper volunteered to head up the distribution of community wide collection boxes. As of now collection papers and envelopes are located at the Walworth Memorial Library, Sentry, Talmer Bank, Walworth State Bank, Little Professors Day Care, McCulloughs, Immanuel United Church of Christ and Heyers with a plan to get collection sites at all of the local churches.
            3.       Schedule next meeting Tuesday 13 November 2012
4.        Carolyn Holt announced that this will be her last year as treasurer. Please contact a Parents Club officer if you are interested in filling this position.

Adjourn 7:47pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes -- Tuesday 11 September 2012:
Respectfully submitted by Toni Pieper

Members Present: Melanie Litton-Catellon (President), Sandi Haeni (Vice President), Carolyn Holt (Treasuer), Toni Pieper (secretary), Nicole Kinane, Pam Knorr, Pamela Larson, Kate Nitsch, Cathy Boldger, Laura Barker, Barb Weborg, Jodi Cullen

Call to order 7:00pm


Approval of Minutes      

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
We will no longer be involved with the fudge fundraiser or spirit week sales
Announced that the budget meeting would be October 9, 2012
Copies available upon request
Income Sources Reports:
            * Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer
            * Sentry Receipts - Student Council
            * Box Tops - Sandi Haeni (Announced the contest would be Sep 24-Oct 25)
            * Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall
            * Target - Carolyn Holt (Received $369.53 for the year)
            * Pop Tops - Jill Dallassassee

Communication from the public:
            * Blog -
            * Email -
            * Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)
                * School website -
            * Thanks to Parents Club from the Early Childhood Committee for the supplies
            *Thanks to all the volunteers for the 2012 graduation

Unfinished Business:
            * Business review from May 2012 meeting
New Business:
            1.         Funds requests
Jodi Cullen requested funds for a trip to ________ to see Berentstain Bears Live on November 14, 2012. Total trip cost $396.50. Original cost $6.50/student. Motion of approval of $91.50 to bring cost to $5/student. Motion: Nicole Kinane Second: Cathy Boldger
Jodi Cullen will be requesting funds for 2nd grade trip to the zoo in the future
            2.         Discuss Fall fundraising opportunities
                        Ideas: Butterbraids, walk-a-thon, penny wars, distribute box top collections around town
                        Kate Nitsch volunteered to head up the distribution of collection boxes
                        Agreement of not doing the walk-a-thon this year
            3.         Schedule next meeting Tuesday 9 October 2012

Adjourn 7:31pm


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
  Monday, March 14, 2011

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice President, Carolyn Holt-Treasurer, and Jeri Lynn Graunke-Secretary. School Staff Present: Kathy Karcher, Melinda Peterson, Kary Hayes, Rachel Roemer, and Pam Larson. Parents present: Tami Nottolini, Sandi Haeni, and Cindy Nordmeyer.
Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved.  Motion by Sandi Haeni; Cindy Nordmeyer seconded.

Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)

1.     The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to
2.     Join our Facebook page by entering Walworth Parents Club and Mel will send an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002. 
Committee Reports:
1. Playground Committee – Catalogs were reviewed for future purchases.  When items are chosen, some items can be installed by volunteers to save money.  Recommendations of new items and ideas are always welcome.  Purchasing of new fencing will be taken care of by Ground and Maintenance at Walworth, along with other areas that need repair.  A budget for the playground fencing will be set in the near future.
2.  Fundraiser –A Walworth School Fundraiser Benefit will take place on Saturday, April 16th from 5:00p.m - 8:30p.m. for two of our Walworth families.  Please come and enjoy the dinner and activities.  Please stop by and enjoy the fun, or stay for the entire evening.  The cost is $5.00 a person.  Children 0 -3 are free.
3Dessert Baking – Kelly Oliver is looking for several volunteers to bake desserts for the meal served at the April 16th Fundraiser Benefit.  Contact Kelly at 394-5166.
4SchoolKidz School Supplies for Next YearJennifer Watters will be heading this fundraiser.  Forms will be sent out in April for those families who would like to purchase school supplies for the 2011-2012 School Year through SchoolKidz.
5Mother’s Day Fudge – Forms will be sent out and orders can be made at the end of April.  The fudge will be delivered before Mother’s Day.
6Champion Pizza Fundraiser – This will take place on Saturday, April 30th at the Forensics Meet being held at Walworth School.  Pizzas can be purchased and brought home the very same day!
7Original Works Art Fundraiser – Liz Beyers is chairing this fundraiser and volunteers will be organizing the packets that will be sent home later this week.
8. Art Fair/Ice Cream Social Volunteers – Volunteers will be needed to hang artwork for the Art Fair.  The Art Fair/Ice Cream Social takes place on May 17th.  Please contact Rachel Roemer or Cathy Boldger at the school if you are able to assist.
9Staff Appreciation – Tami Nottolini has been working with four other volunteers to plan Staff Appreciation that takes place in May.
10. Box Tops Contest – Sandy Haeni shared the great news that our school collected over $1,000.00 in Box Tops during the winter collection.
11End of Year Play Date – A meeting with school team leaders will take place on March 16th to discuss a possible change in the organization of this annual event.  Parents Club will be notified of any assistance that will be needed to run some of the activities.  
Old Business:
1.     Third Grade Field Trip - $302.50 will be given to the 3rd grade for the trip to the Milwaukee Museum.  This will bring the cost to $12.00 per student.  Motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; seconded by Melinda Peterson.
2.     Eighth Grade Field Trip - $459.00 will be given to the 8th grade for their trip to the Holocaust Museum that will take place on May 19th & May 20th.  This will bring the cost to $13.50 per student.  Motion by Tami Nottolini; seconded by Melinda Peterson.
3.     Fifth Grade Field Trip - $250.00 will be given to the 5th grade to cover part of the cost of the bus to Timberlee Outdoor Education.  Motion by Melinda Peterson; seconded by Rachel Roemer.
New Business:
1.     PBIS School Wide Behavior Incentive - $287.50 will be used from some of the profits made from the Champion Pizza Fundraiser to assist with the cost of coins and lamination for this program.
2.     Seventh Grade – We are tabling the request until April to decide how Parents Club will assist with an end of the year field trip.  We would like to give money towards an educational trip for the students rather than the trip to Magic Waters or the roller rink.
3.     Officer Elections – There will be openings for two officer positions (Secretary, President and/or Vice President) for the 2011 – 2012 School Year.  If you are interested please attend April’s meeting.
4.     Walworth Walks for Wellness – We are seeking a new chair for this fundraiser.  New board will decide if and when it takes place next.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. – Motioned by Tami Nottolini; seconded by Sandi Haeni.

Next meeting (NOTE CHANGE):
TUESDAY, April 12, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge

* Note- meetings are usually the 2nd Monday of the Month.*
Contact Julie Ford for any questions at (262) 374-3744

Respectfully submitted by:  Jeri Lynn Graunke


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
  Monday, February 14, 2011

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice-President, and Carolyn Holt-Treasurer.  School Staff present:  Pam Knorr.  Parents present: Sandi Haeni, Cindy Nordmeyer, Alicia Swanson, Trish Dixon, and Ginger Arnold.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved with a motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; Sandi Haeni seconded.
Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)
1.        The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to
2.       Join our Facebook page by searching Walworth Parents Club and you’ll be sent an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.
Committee Reports:
1.        Playground The Playground Committee is still gathering information regarding improvement options.  Pam Knorr reported that repairs and fence gates will be taken care of by the Grounds/Maintenance Committee.
2.       Fundraiser – This will be postponed until September or October of 2011 as not to conflict with the Spaghetti Dinner/Bingo/Silent Auction being held for two Walworth families in need.
3.       Box Tops Contest – Sandy Haeni, chair.  Classroom contest going well- ends Thurs, Feb 24. 
4.       Staff Appreciation–Tami Nottolini has volunteered to chair and has others to help her (more welcome!) Thanks to Kelly Oliver for lining up treats for upcoming conferences.
5.       SchoolKidz – Jennifer Watters is working with the school supply kit company to get order forms ready for the 2011-2012 school year.
6.       Mother’s Day Fudge – Jennifer Watters is working with the Main Street Country Store for upcoming fudge orders.  Forms should be out in late April
7.       Champion Frozen Pizza Fundraiser Jennifer Watters, chair.  Selling after the Forensics Meet on April 30 was mentioned as a possibility.  Pam Knorr will check to see if this would pose a conflict with organizers of the event.  Another option would be to sell after show times of the musical that runs that same weekend.
8.       Green Initiative – Options for green fundraisers (recycling cell phones, etc.) were discussed.
Old Business:
1.        Officer Elections Nominations will be open in April for the 2011 – 2012 School Year.  If you have questions about officer roles, please contact a board member.
New Business
1.        Washington DC Trip – Trish Dixon and Ginger Arnold discussed their plan to have an 8th grade trip to Washington DC in spring of 2012.  Trish moved to use of funds from a “fundraiser within a fundraiser” through Market Day as she can take care of all details.  Ginger Arnold seconded.  Motion was unanimously approved.
2.       First Grade Field Trip – Cyndi Nordmeyer moved to approve the funding of one bus ($180) to Covenant Harbor in Lake Geneva for Maple Syrup tours.  Motion was seconded by Sandi Haeni and unanimously approved.
3.       End of Year Play Day – A chair was requested for the event to field the needs of the team leaders who will each prepare activities like last year.  Pam Knorr offered to ask each of the team leads what they might need and get back to the group.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:21p.m. with a motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; seconded by Ginger Arnold.
Next meeting: Monday, March 14, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge
Respectfully submitted by:  Julie Ford


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
  Monday, January 10, 2011

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.  Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice-President, Carolyn Holt-Treasurer, and Jeri Lynn Graunke-Secretary.  School Staff present:  Rachel Roemer, Kris Miller, Molly Blum, Linda Wenzel, Pam Knorr, and Pamela Larson.  Parents present: Sandi Haeni and Diane Martin.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved.  Motion by Sandi Haeni; Diane Martin seconded.
Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)
1.     The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to
2.     Join our Facebook page by searching Walworth Parents Club and you’ll be sent an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.
Old Business
1. Spirit Wear – The Spirit Wear sale went very well last month. The exact number of sales will be shared in February.  The Main Street Country Store in Walworth donated $200.00 to Parents Club from the sales.

2. Playground  The Playground Committee is still gathering information regarding improvement options.  Once received, the committee will meet and discuss what items to repair and/or replace.  They are waiting to hear back from the Gerber Leisure representative with prices for a list of repairs to the existing equipment and possible additions.  The possibility of having a continuous fence encompassing the entire playground was discussed.  Administration would like to take part in these decisions and changes.  The grounds/maintenance budget will assist with repairs that are needed.   The committee will submit options for improvements with prices.  If you have feedback or would like to participate on the committee, contact Mel at 275-1002 or through email.
3. February Change Drive – This will be postponed/canceled so as not to conflict with the Make Change, Beat Cancer Fundraiser taking place during January.  A large portion of the change collected will go towards a Walworth family with a child fighting cancer.
4. Box Tops Contest – Sandy Haeni, chair.  Classroom contest ends Friday, Feb 25.  Teacher of winning classroom will help determine prize awarded.  All Jr. High contest proceeds will go towards defraying the cost of their dances.
New Business
1.     Staff Appreciation Chair – We are in need of a committee chair for the week-long event that takes place in May.  Two to three other members will be needed for other activities during conference time.
2.     Champion Frozen Pizza of Hebron  Jennifer Watters is willing to chair this fundraiser.  It can be done two ways; selling right from the truck after a school event or taking orders through the children and then scheduling a pick-up day.  Selling after the Forensics Meet in the spring was mentioned as a possibility.
3.     Original Works Art Fundraiser – Liz Beyers will be chairing this fundraiser.  Information will be sent home late winter or early spring.
4.     Green Initiative  Walworth School will now be recycling paper.  Research and discussion will be continued for further improvements.
5.     Officer Elections  Nominations will be opening in April for Parents Club Board Members for the 2011 – 2012 School Year.  If you have questions about officer roles, please contact a board member.
6.     Ice Cream Social/Art Fair – Committee members are needed to assist Cathy Boldger and Rachel Roemer with this spring’s event.  Ice Cream vendors are being researched to possibly receive ice cream at cost.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. – Motioned by Diane Martin; seconded by Sandi Haeni.

Next meeting: Monday, February 14, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in the Staff Lounge

* Note- meetings are now the 2nd Monday of the Month.*
Contact Julie Ford for any questions at (262) 374-3744

Respectfully submitted by:  Jeri Lynn Graunke


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
  Monday, December 13, 2010

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Other board members present were Mel Litton-Castellon-Vice-President, Carolyn Holt-Treasurer, and Jeri Lynn Graunke-Secretary.  School Staff present:  Kira Wester and Melinda Petersen, Parents present: Cindy Nordmeyer and Sandi Haini.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved.  Motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; Kira Wester seconded.
Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)
1.     The Parents Club Blog is available at or E-mail any ideas or questions to
2.     Join our Facebook page by entering Walworth Parents Club and Mel will send an invite or contact Mel Litton-Castellon at 275-1002.
Old Business
1        Walworth Children’s Fund – At this point, we will not donate directly to this fund. If students need financial assistance toward individual field trip fees, staff may bring the amounts needed to our attention and Parents Club will fund on a case by case basis.
2        Spirit Wear – Order forms were sent out and merchandise will be received no later than December 22, 2010. Clothing can be purchased any time at Main Street Country Store in Walworth. 
3        Playground A safety inspection of the current playground equipment was held with Gerber Leisure in December and possible additions were also discussed.  An estimate of repairs is being prepared by the representative.  Information is still being gathered and options for improvements (along with their costs) will be forthcoming. If you have feedback or would like to participate on the committee, contact Mel at 275-1002 or through PC email.
4        Walworth School Family Directory- 2010/2011 directory was sent out electronically in November. If you need a paper copy, email Parents Club.
New Business
1.     Volunteer Caller- Kelly Oliver will be contacting parents when assistance is needed.
2.     February Change Drive – Carolyn Holt will be looking into a change drive to take place in February. To share your ideas about this fundraiser or to help, contact her.
3.     Staff Appreciation Chair – We are in need of a committee member for the week-long event that takes place in May. Two to three other members will be needed for other activities during conference time and possibly during the holiday season. Please contact Julie if you’re interested or need more information.
4.     Inside Recess Needs For Students – Donations are needed for new or used board games, puzzles, or movies (VHS or DVD).

Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Next meeting: Monday, January 10, 2011, @ 7:00 p.m. in Staff Workroom.

* Note- meetings are now the 2nd Monday of the Month.*
Contact Julie Ford for any questions @ (262) 374-3744

Respectfully submitted by:  Jeri Lynn Graunke


Walworth Parents Club Minutes
  Monday, November 8, 2010

Julie Ford-President called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  Other Board Members present:  Melanie Litton-Castellon-Vice President and Carolyn Holt-Treasurer.  School Staff present:  Cathy Boldger. Parents present:  Renee Torrez, Cindy Nordmeyer, Alicia Swanson, Nicole Kinane, and Amanda Marshall.

Review of Minutes- Minutes were approved.  Motion by Cindy Nordmeyer; Renee Torrez seconded.
Treasurer’s Report (copies available upon request)
Ongoing income sources:
1.        Box Tops for Education (Sandi Haeni) – contest yielded an additional $620 making our ½ year total over $750.  (Last year, we earned $805 total.)  Keep collecting for the February contest so we can meet our goal of $1600 for the school year!  See for a full list of products.