
As many of you know, we have two families in our school who have some extenuating circumstances and are in need of the community's help.

The first is the family of Rolando Soto. Rolando is in grade 2 and he has cancer. He is currently receiving chemo and radiation treatment at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. His mother, Sonja, is struggling very much due to his medical needs.

The second is the Beal family. Rayne is in grade 1 and Emeril is in grade JK. These two children recently lost their mother very tragically and this family is struggling very much.

If we rally together, we can make a big difference in our community.

I attended the informational meeting to represent Parents Club and here’s what I learned:

  • The date is set for Saturday, April 16th.
  • Dinner is from 5pm – 7pm
  • Silent Auction from 5pm - 8pm
  • Bingo from 7pm – 8:30
  • 50/50 Drawing from 5pm - 8pm
  • The J/K Team (Kris Koltes) is handling with menu in conjunction with Laura Kelley.
  • Parents Club will be securing desserts (to serve 200ish- cookies, brownies, whatever). We can also contact bakeries for donations. (Call Kelly Oliver if you'd like to donate something 394-5166)
  • The Middle School Team (Anice Machado, ext. 228) is in charge of serving the dinner.
  • The Boy/Girl Scouts (Trish Dixon and Ginger Arnold) and Jennifer Ott-Wilson’s Team are in charge of clean up.
  • Michelle Schauf (ext257), Helgi Sheilds (ext 404) and Dora Alcozer (ext. 414) will tackle getting silent auction items – so if you have a donation or know people willing to donate, please let them know.
  • Each grade (or perhaps each class depending upon response) will come up with a theme and do a raffle basket. Families can donate cash or an item or two to include in their child’s class/grade basket. If you have theme ideas (like family game night, outdoor fun, movie night out, bonfire, spa night, or character themes for kids like Dora/Diego basket, etc.) get them to Michelle Schauf.
  • The 5/6 Team is doing the 50/50 Raffle
  • The 1/2 Team is doing Bingo
  • The office staff is doing the publicity
  • The money raised will be distributed as needed in the form of gas cards, grocery gift certificates, food, clothing, etc.
The committee will meet again next month to update on progress. If you'd like to participate, contact Pam Knorr at ext. 204. This is a great opportunity to teach our children the power of community!


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