
Walworth Parents Club Agenda -- 10 October 2011

Call to order


Approval of Minutes

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
We will be moving this report to the bottom of the meeting.

Income Sources:
* Market Day - Cindy Nordmeyer
* Sentry Receipts - Remember to bring them in for Student Council
* Box Tops - Sandi Haeni
* Labels For Education - Amanda Marshall
* Target

Communication from the public:
* Blog -
* Email -
* Facebook - Walworth Parents Club (contact Mel on FB as this is a closed group)

Old Business:
* Opera Program - Jennifer Watters (requested $500)
* Red Ribbon Week - Pamela Larson (requested $600; shared cost with PD)
* UW Whitewater 1st grade cultural program - P Larson (requested contribution)
* PBIS - Melinda Peterson (requested $200)
- We agreed to reimburse $39.87 to Melinda for purchases
- We tabled a decision to donate an extra $160 for future needs.
* Playground Equipment - Mel L-C
- volunteers requested to help install equipment
- invoice review
* WW4W Committee:
Mel L-C - PR report, pledge envelopes etc, volunteer requests
(crowd control, refreshments, registration/bank, putting up posters
around the school, setting up reg. tables)
Pam Larson - Staff/PC liaise
Tami Notolini - spirit bracelets, event t-shirts, snowcones
Vanessa Tipps - apple/fruit donations for refreshments
Rachel Roemer - advertising

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Holt
* Vote to raise amount for amount spent on Staff Appreciation week
* Mrs Holt to present a separate Treasurer's Agenda

New Business:

* Any cultural program requests?
* Other requests for funds?
* Other opportunities to raise funds? Who will volunteer to Chair?
* Other volunteer needs?



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